I just hope the leftist traitors (all socialist are IMHO) are punished to the max under the law for the illegal acts they committed in this coup attempt
Who are the 'Gang of 8'?
Do they already know the information that will be part of DECLAS?
What if members of this group made public statements about that information that were intentionally false?
Enjoy the show.
I just hope the leftist traitors (all socialist are IMHO) are punished to the max under the law for the illegal acts they committed in this coup attempt
Levin mentioned the lead investigators before the media said a word about it. The chickens are coming home to roost.Mark Levin has been saying for 3 years for the GOP look at Owebamas Dailey briefing logs to see the RATS who came to his White House during the coup attempt.
That's why I obtained my US History lessons from Hillsdale College.Levin was accused of being a conspiracy nut back when all he was doing was quoting stories found in the NYT and other Leftard publications. He called the russia hoax early on by quoting these leftard papers and outing their attempts to lay ground work by setting up false narratives. He also alerted us to the IRS scandal because he was in on the ground floor as one of the victims was a client of his Landmark legal Foundation.
When you are young and learning the basics its good to attend Rush Limbaugh High but after the diploma it is time to attend Levin University all the way through to your PhD. in Constitutional Conservative Studies.
LOVE itThat's why I obtained my US History lessons from Hillsdale College.
Funny thing about Elijah Cummings is he's only willing to discuss to the public the upper class part of his district yet ignores the inner city part. Isn't his young wife under investigation for some type of misuse of funds?
This is something the Democrats will call, abuse of power.
DC, i love you and all but heck choot far!I just hope the leftist traitors (all socialist are IMHO) are punished to the max under the law for the illegal acts they committed in this coup attempt
YES! I am the Black Sheep Of The FamilyBox says too many things too many people don't wish to repeat much less look at in the first place...I believe the central banking cartel is responsible for every downturn-recession-depression that has occurred since its (the central banking cartel) was "brought to bear "(pardon the pun)...but no matter...when any economy nosedives/collapses...the banking cartel (including the IMF) gains moar and moar...all the while the little people lose...and that, I believe is the starting/end point of it all...just as, as my opinion...if there should ever be a one-world currency...and all financial transactions completely scrutinized (more than they are today)...just who is/shall be the big winners?...your loving and thoughtful central bankers, of course...since they (the cartel) set monetary rates (worldwide)...they are my/your masters...anything else is simply an illusion.
I still believe that the "Squad" is simply the foreshadow of what's to come our way...there's a saying I read about two/three (????) years ago (paraphrased) about where everything that occurs is always foreshadowed by events most folks never realize or see...much less admit to.
Agent Orange
Box says too many things too many people don't wish to repeat much less look at in the first place...I believe the central banking cartel is responsible for every downturn-recession-depression that has occurred since its (the central banking cartel) was "brought to bear "(pardon the pun)...but no matter...when any economy nosedives/collapses...the banking cartel (including the IMF) gains moar and moar...all the while the little people lose...and that, I believe is the starting/end point of it all...just as, as my opinion...if there should ever be a one-world currency...and all financial transactions completely scrutinized (more than they are today)...just who is/shall be the big winners?...your loving and thoughtful central bankers, of course...since they (the cartel) set monetary rates (worldwide)...they are my/your masters...anything else is simply an illusion.
What happens when the corruption is removed from the worldwide monetary system?
Keep watching.
As long as people are alive...there will be corruption.
As long as people control the money and credit supply (or what is considered the money and credit supply) there will be corruption.
But...if corruption should be removed from the monetary system........................
New corruption will soon be ushered in to replace the old monetary system.
Because folks can't stand to allow things to "simply be."
Because folks need to control other people, resources, lives, and outcomes (of everything).
And if it's true that Nature abhors a vacuum...................
Then...there will be corruption in whatever monetary system is in place.
Whether it is in people or whether it's in machines (aka robots), or AI...someone or something will be in control (aka "power") of the new system.
Power corrupts and absolute power absolutely corrupts.
Keep watching.
Agent Orange
'Book' deals will be something to keep an eye on. Lots of deep staters get massive amounts for their 'book' deals.
Let's think critically for a moment:
We all agree that there are many corrupt politicians in Washington, right? In fact, you could argue that the majority of politicians in DC are corrupt, and most if not all here would agree.
What has President Trump spoken out about from Day One as a candidate? Stopping corruption in Washington.
Politicians on both sides have railed against him. Is it because they disagree with his policies, or because they fear him attacking their livelihood (corruption).
Again, think critically.
Now if we accept that most politicians are corrupt, that would also mean that most countries around the world are run by corrupt politicians, right?
If most countries are corrupt, would it make sense for some of those countries to work together to facilitate corruption on a global scale?
Bigger corruption = bigger money and power for the corrupt.
Notice it's not just politicians in the US that are speaking out against President Trump. Countries around the world (not all) are saying that Trump has to go.
Think critically. Why would they do this?
This isn't about Making America Great, this is about ending corruption on a global scale and giving power back to the people. Power that most people have never known in their lifetimes.
"This was our Golden Age, but it was happening today. And the best part was, we all knew it".
Keep watching.