Mainly white liberals/Marxists. The champions of diversity. When mestizos move to their neighborhoods the tires squeal.
The State is already predominately Hispanic and I am not going to let them use my income to "take back America."
California is pretty much hopeless, you can get anything accomplished here, I know I've tried.
Not only is it mostly Hispanic and low IQ, but many of the Whites here are so leftist brainwashed you can't talk common sense to them. Their heads are so far up their rectum they will never see daylight!
I will spend my time and my money helping conservative Whites in a conservative, pro-White community.
California is going to the dogs, becoming a leftist multicultural crap-hole. And for the most deserves to.
The land and the country are beautiful, but its' people are some of the biggest idiots on the planet!
If leftist from California come to your State, tar and feather them, run them out on a rail (metaphorically speaking , of course
)...... why?
...because while many of theses idiots are fleeing the State because it's going to hell, they are still too brainwashed stupid to figure out that it was their multiculturalism and leftist policies that ruined the State!