On this day in history...

I know you use this to point out hypocrisy on the left/dems etc but in actuality Barry Goldwater was right. This was unconstitutional and has and will continue to bite us in the butt. Where might I ask in the constitution does government have the right to tell a business who they must serve or how?

You got mixed signals from SCOTUS over LGBTqwetetewri laws. Bakers, Photogs, etc are being threatened based on the precedents of this Act. So far a religious exemption has been carved out but that is up to the whim of a still activist court.

There was a black activist who had this right and the result would have eventually been the same without the Act. He said that most of the problem was created by state and local government passing segregation laws.

Congress should have passed a law confirming the unconstitutional nature of such laws and let businesses decide on their own how they wanted to deal with the issue. Those laws are unconstitutional on the same grounds that the Act was/is. He said in the long run the only color that mattered or would matter was the color green as in the color of money.

Integration would have occurred naturally over time and we would not have this law being abused as it is today.

Can not remember his name.