Okay here comes my quarky opinion again


Gator Great
Jan 17, 2005
You all know my struggles between heaven and earth - good vs evil. And I know what I am supposed to do. As a Christian, have I been noticed on here as a Christian? Can you tell any difference from someone who doesn't professes themselves as Christian? I didn't think so. But, for me, this is how I am going to survive what is about to come upon us with the Biden/Harris regime. And as hard as it is to say I must do something that is the most difficult thing I think I can say I must do, and honestly, haven't done: Pray for my enemies. There are many on here who sided with Biden. That puts you in the enemy camp for me. I can see the Hand of God coming off of America. Watch what happens to this nation soon. I confess I have been Christian by name only. So have the majority of folks who call themselves Christian. Here is a prime example of what I am talking about. It can be compared to what we see happening today.

Unhappy in Babylon

We can find some help from a story tucked away in Jeremiah 29. Here’s the background. The year was 597 B.C. King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon and his mighty army had come once again to the gates of Jerusalem. They had come once before, in 605 B.C. That’s when they took Daniel and his friends into exile in Babylon. Now eight years later, they have come to Jerusalem to take another group of Jews into exile. It was a humiliating experience for the people of God. It was also a punishment from the Lord because of their rebellion. In a true sense, they got what was coming to them–70 years in captivity in a foreign land, ruled by pagans who did not worship God.

Pray for Babylon!

Not all the Jews were taken to Babylon. Jeremiah was one of those who were left behind. Chapter 29 records a letter he sent from Jerusalem to the exiles in Babylon in order to encourage them. God’s message is unexpected: “Seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper” (v. 7). God’s word is very simple: I put you in Babylon for a purpose. Although I know you are humiliated, discouraged, and angry, do not despair. Pray for the prosperity of Babylon.

Read that last phrase of verse 7 very carefully: “If it prospers, you too will prosper.” Here is a message from God for all of us. Many who read these words find themselves caught in a bad situation at work, or at school, or at home. Someone has hurt you deeply and it’s all you can do not to strike back. With all your energy, you barely hold back the bitterness. Some of it sloshes over the top now and then. You couldn’t pray for your enemies if your life depended on it. But God says to do it anyway. That’s the whole point of Jeremiah 29:7.

Shalom, the Hebrew word for peace, is used three times in this verse. Besides peace, it means blessing, wholeness, completeness, the absence of conflict, prosperity. Here is the shocking fact—at least it would have been shocking to the Jewish exiles. God ties their blessing to the blessing of the Babylonians. This seems counterintuitive since the exiles were God’s people and the Babylonians were pagans. He is really saying they were better off in Babylon, and Babylon is better off because they were there. Said another way, we can summarize this verse this way:

You need Babylon!
Babylon needs you!

Immediately one can imagine any number of objections the Jews might have raised:

“These people are pagans!”

“These people are pagans.”
“They invaded our land.”
“They destroyed our city.”
“They burned down the temple we built to worship God.”
“They’re vile people—killers and rapists.”
“Why would I want to pray for them? They don’t deserve it.”

It was all true. The Babylonians were not nice people. You really can’t be a nice barbaric killer. There is no such category. To spread their kingdom, the Babylonians acted ruthlessly against anyone who dared to oppose them. Life was cheap, death was easy, and torture a means of sending a message to future foes.

“They don’t deserve our prayers!”

God says to his discouraged people, “I know you don’t like it in Babylon, but that doesn’t matter. You’re going to be here for a while so settle down and make the best of it. Don’t treat the Babylonians as they treated you. Seek to bless and be a blessing. Pray for the Babylonians. They certainly need the prayers. And you, my people, need to pray. As you pray, I will bless them. And in blessing them, you too will be blessed.”
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Good for you.

“But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;[1]

But I am not your enemy. nor are you mine. Nor are all Dems or even non Christians. That is where I think you are wrong, and frankly a very unChristian thing to say iMO.
Good for you.

“But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;[1]

But I am not your enemy. nor are you mine. Nor are all Dems or even non Christians. That is where I think you are wrong, and frankly a very unChristian thing to say iMO.

But you speak with forked tongue. Praying for you is about the most Christian thing he could do.
You all know my struggles between heaven and earth - good vs evil. And I know what I am supposed to do. As a Christian, have I been noticed on here as a Christian? Can you tell any difference from someone who doesn't professes themselves as Christian? I didn't think so. But, for me, this is how I am going to survive what is about to come upon us with the Biden/Harris regime. And as hard as it is to say I must do something that is the most difficult thing I think I can say I must do, and honestly, haven't done: Pray for my enemies. There are many on here who sided with Biden. That puts you in the enemy camp for me. I can see the Hand of God coming off of America. Watch what happens to this nation soon. I confess I have been Christian by name only. So have the majority of folks who call themselves Christian. Here is a prime example of what I am talking about. It can be compared to what we see happening today.

My best advice: Don't put your faith in man, put your faith in God's ability to work through man.

He worked through Donald Trump, He can work through others as well. Praying for your enemies to let God into their lives is a good first step.
You all know my struggles between heaven and earth - good vs evil. And I know what I am supposed to do. As a Christian, have I been noticed on here as a Christian? Can you tell any difference from someone who doesn't professes themselves as Christian? I didn't think so. But, for me, this is how I am going to survive what is about to come upon us with the Biden/Harris regime. And as hard as it is to say I must do something that is the most difficult thing I think I can say I must do, and honestly, haven't done: Pray for my enemies. There are many on here who sided with Biden. That puts you in the enemy camp for me. I can see the Hand of God coming off of America. Watch what happens to this nation soon. I confess I have been Christian by name only. So have the majority of folks who call themselves Christian. Here is a prime example of what I am talking about. It can be compared to what we see happening today.

Unhappy in Babylon

We can find some help from a story tucked away in Jeremiah 29. Here’s the background. The year was 597 B.C. King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon and his mighty army had come once again to the gates of Jerusalem. They had come once before, in 605 B.C. That’s when they took Daniel and his friends into exile in Babylon. Now eight years later, they have come to Jerusalem to take another group of Jews into exile. It was a humiliating experience for the people of God. It was also a punishment from the Lord because of their rebellion. In a true sense, they got what was coming to them–70 years in captivity in a foreign land, ruled by pagans who did not worship God.

Pray for Babylon!

Not all the Jews were taken to Babylon. Jeremiah was one of those who were left behind. Chapter 29 records a letter he sent from Jerusalem to the exiles in Babylon in order to encourage them. God’s message is unexpected: “Seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper” (v. 7). God’s word is very simple: I put you in Babylon for a purpose. Although I know you are humiliated, discouraged, and angry, do not despair. Pray for the prosperity of Babylon.

Read that last phrase of verse 7 very carefully: “If it prospers, you too will prosper.” Here is a message from God for all of us. Many who read these words find themselves caught in a bad situation at work, or at school, or at home. Someone has hurt you deeply and it’s all you can do not to strike back. With all your energy, you barely hold back the bitterness. Some of it sloshes over the top now and then. You couldn’t pray for your enemies if your life depended on it. But God says to do it anyway. That’s the whole point of Jeremiah 29:7.

Shalom, the Hebrew word for peace, is used three times in this verse. Besides peace, it means blessing, wholeness, completeness, the absence of conflict, prosperity. Here is the shocking fact—at least it would have been shocking to the Jewish exiles. God ties their blessing to the blessing of the Babylonians. This seems counterintuitive since the exiles were God’s people and the Babylonians were pagans. He is really saying they were better off in Babylon, and Babylon is better off because they were there. Said another way, we can summarize this verse this way:

You need Babylon!
Babylon needs you!

Immediately one can imagine any number of objections the Jews might have raised:

“These people are pagans!”

“These people are pagans.”
“They invaded our land.”
“They destroyed our city.”
“They burned down the temple we built to worship God.”
“They’re vile people—killers and rapists.”
“Why would I want to pray for them? They don’t deserve it.”

It was all true. The Babylonians were not nice people. You really can’t be a nice barbaric killer. There is no such category. To spread their kingdom, the Babylonians acted ruthlessly against anyone who dared to oppose them. Life was cheap, death was easy, and torture a means of sending a message to future foes.

“They don’t deserve our prayers!”

God says to his discouraged people, “I know you don’t like it in Babylon, but that doesn’t matter. You’re going to be here for a while so settle down and make the best of it. Don’t treat the Babylonians as they treated you. Seek to bless and be a blessing. Pray for the Babylonians. They certainly need the prayers. And you, my people, need to pray. As you pray, I will bless them. And in blessing them, you too will be blessed.”
I dont want to rain on your parade of good intentions, but you got to discern the times you live in. The chosen where put in exile in a foreign land and would be there for 70 years as a punishment. One year for every sabbatical year they had skipped for the previous 490 years. God, in Revelation, also calls us to come out of Babylon so we don't get punished for her sins when the time comes. We are in "Babylon" but we are not exiles. We can petition like Abraham did for Lot and even pray that our enemies repent.

But what I fear I see in messages like this, is a message to "go along."

Nope this is a time to resist and fight back even as we pray for our enemies repentance.

The Jews may have went along but their Prophets also told them regardless of what they did they would be there as a punishment from God until that punishments finite time had ended. So yeah unless you want more punishment from God, you go along.

The way I see the punishment from God, of having Biden as President, is because of us NOT resisting enough and allowing our society to become a cesspool.

We can fix it and regain favor or go the way of Rome, Sodom and Gomorrah.
Good for you.

“But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;[1]

But I am not your enemy. nor are you mine. Nor are all Dems or even non Christians. That is where I think you are wrong, and frankly a very unChristian thing to say iMO.
Honestly, you're a hard one to pray for... ;) Just laying it out there. Got nothing to hide. That Babylon write-up is spot on for us today.
I dont want to rain on your parade of good intentions, but you got to discern the times you live in. The chosen where put in exile in a foreign land and would be there for 70 years as a punishment. One year for every sabbatical year they had skipped for the previous 490 years. God, in Revelation, also calls us to come out of Babylon so we don't get punished for her sins when the time comes. We are in "Babylon" but we are not exiles. We can petition like Abraham did for Lot and even pray that our enemies repent.

But what I fear I see in messages like this, is a message to "go along."

Nope this is a time to resist and fight back even as we pray for our enemies repentance.

The Jews may have went along but their Prophets also told them regardless of what they did they would be there as a punishment from God until that punishments finite time had ended. So yeah unless you want more punishment from God, you go along.

The way I see the punishment from God, of having Biden as President, is because of us NOT resisting enough and allowing our society to become a cesspool.

We can fix it and regain favor or go the way of Rome, Sodom and Gomorrah.
We dropped the ball. I can certainly see the hand of God lift off of America. We can all have our different perspectives of biblical similarities. Who knows the mind of God. When I see how diverse the Christian perspective is, it makes me shudder. @BSC911 portraying Biden as his savior (except he'll tell you otherwise and saw Trump as ours) but in that respect perhaps he was right. Maybe we considered Trump to turn this thing around. To have those who voted for Biden not see what that vote was going to do to America and not see that as evil is beyond me. Not that ALL Republicans are saints. Far from it. I feel like this: God has lifted his hand just a little to give us a glimpse of what we have in store for us in the near future. Look at what's happened and Biden ain't even officially President yet. Look at the hatred towards Trump supporters. Look at how they want revenge. This is only just the beginning. When you have "Chrisitans" like Russell Moore who hates Trump - always has - vs Franklin Graham who loves Trump you'll see the disconnect with Christians. The lies of the democratic party are ignored. The cheating, the stealing of the election is swept under the rug. God's protective hand either has already or is about to completely leave American and evil will pounce upon us like never before. Watch and see.
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Honestly, you're a hard one to pray for... ;) Just laying it out there. Got nothing to hide. That Babylon write-up is spot on for us today.
Meh. We'd probably get along iRL. I'm much less of an asshole 😌
Honestly, you're a hard one to pray for... ;) Just laying it out there. Got nothing to hide. That Babylon write-up is spot on for us today.
BTW, you started off on my bad side when you called me a fake Christian in one of your first posts. I take that shit personally.
BTW, you started off on my bad side when you called me a fake Christian in one of your first posts. I take that shit personally.

No you don't. LOL You were being called out for attacking and mocking Christians LONG before @kjfreeze got here. Then as soon as he got here and said he was Catholic, you suddenly claimed you were too, and suddenly knew more about Catholic teachings than he did. Despite never even hinting you were a Catholic for 2 years before he got here.

Your troll attempts are patently obvious. That's why he called you out for being a fake Christian. No Christian goes around mocking other Christians AND our God and Savior.
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No you don't. LOL You were being called out for attacking and mocking Christians LONG before @kjfreeze got here. Then as soon as he got here and said he was Catholic, you suddenly claimed you were too, and suddenly knew more about Catholic teachings than he did. Despite never even hinting you were a Catholic for 2 years before he got here.

Your troll attempts are patently obvious. That's why he called you out for being a fake Christian. No Christian goes around mocking other Christians AND our God and Savior.
Do a lot of Christians go around calling other people a "POS" ?? Just asking, cause there's a guy around here really saying some not so nice things to @Nolec , and I just don't want that guy to get banned or anything :)
Do a lot of Christians go around calling other people a "POS" ?? Just asking, cause there's a guy around here really saying some not so nice things to @Nolec , and I just don't want that guy to get banned or anything :)
Love thy neighbor is one of the two most important commandments.
No you don't. LOL You were being called out for attacking and mocking Christians LONG before @kjfreeze got here. Then as soon as he got here and said he was Catholic, you suddenly claimed you were too, and suddenly knew more about Catholic teachings than he did. Despite never even hinting you were a Catholic for 2 years before he got here.

Your troll attempts are patently obvious. That's why he called you out for being a fake Christian. No Christian goes around mocking other Christians AND our God and Savior.
Liar. As usual.
Liar. As usual.

Just perceptive, as always. Any reference to Christianity and loving God, even in passing, almost always earned a flippant and mocking response from you. It was obvious that these thoughts irritated you. And I noticed that most of your ire came on Sundays, even taking the Lord's name in vain and laughing about how you were a Christian as you did.

All of this was happening long before KJ and the OU posters got here. I'm not the only one that mentioned this to you either.
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"Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye."
Matthew 7:5

I'm not the one taking the Lord's name in vain and mocking other Christians just for believing in God. That's @BSC911. You'll never see me do either.

Surprised to see you defending such disgusting behavior. Unless you really are @BSC911.
But you are on this board calling another poster a "POS" that very Christ-like?

Again, the topic is @BSC911 being a fake Christian. I swear you deflect to personal attacks and off the topic at hand almost as well as he does.


Anyway, if @BSC911 will just stop being a fake Christian, no one can call him that. This really isn't that hard.
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Just perceptive, as always. Any reference to Christianity and loving God, even in passing, almost always earned a flippant and mocking response from you. It was obvious that these thoughts irritated you. And I noticed that most of your ire came on Sundays, even taking the Lord's name in vain and laughing about how you were a Christian as you did.

All of this was happening long before KJ and the OU posters got here. I'm not the only one that mentioned this to you either.
Still lying. But then you are used to being wrong.

Surely you have something to back up such nonsense.. Better hurry, your clock is ticking.
Again, the topic is @BSC911 being a fake Christian. I swear you deflect to personal attacks and off the topic at hand almost as well as he does.


Anyway, if @BSC911 will just stop being a fake Christian, no one can call him that. This really isn't that hard.
LOL. Too obvious. I told you, I’m smarter than you are. Your little games don’t work on me.

Better go back to troll school.
BTW, you started off on my bad side when you called me a fake Christian in one of your first posts. I take that shit personally.
Do you believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? If so, then why do you need to receive the Eucharist? Why do you need to go to Confession? Have you given your life over to Him completely or do you share your 100% commitment to Jesus with other "Catholic" things to get you saved and get you to Heaven? You either accept the Cross as complete and finished or you don't. A fake Christian isn't a Christian at all. If you claim to be a Catholic, you must go to Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation or else lose your salvific relationship with Christ. It's a works-based relationship that adds to the finished work of Jesus Christ on the Cross. Why did that anger you so much for me to call you a fake Christian? Tell me what makes you a real Christian? A real Christian doesn't have to add to the finished work of Christ to earn their salvation and eventual entry into heaven.
Now here's an irony. I'm surprised you haven't spotted it. I've been living the life of a fake Christian myself. But I am truly a Christian because I've accepted the finished work of Christ on the Cross. I've just been living a life of one that hasn't lost his salvation, but one who has forgotten to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. I've been up and down with my faith. But God through the Holy Spirit keeps knocking on the door of my heart. I am truly in a spiritual fight. I choose to follow Jesus. I've got a lot of baggage that needs to be trashed. I let the world and this election process take control of my life and now I'm drawing a line and saying enough! This whole election process knocked me for a loop. I lost a lot of ground. I now want to once-again have Jesus guide my footsteps one day at a time. How about you? But first you have to accept the finished work of Christ. Can you do it? Hmm?
Do you believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? If so, then why do you need to receive the Eucharist? Why do you need to go to Confession? Have you given your life over to Him completely or do you share your 100% commitment to Jesus with other "Catholic" things to get you saved and get you to Heaven? You either accept the Cross as complete and finished or you don't. A fake Christian isn't a Christian at all. If you claim to be a Catholic, you must go to Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation or else lose your salvific relationship with Christ. It's a works-based relationship that adds to the finished work of Jesus Christ on the Cross. Why did that anger you so much for me to call you a fake Christian? Tell me what makes you a real Christian? A real Christian doesn't have to add to the finished work of Christ to earn their salvation and eventual entry into heaven.
Now here's an irony. I'm surprised you haven't spotted it. I've been living the life of a fake Christian myself. But I am truly a Christian because I've accepted the finished work of Christ on the Cross. I've just been living a life of one that hasn't lost his salvation, but one who has forgotten to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. I've been up and down with my faith. But God through the Holy Spirit keeps knocking on the door of my heart. I am truly in a spiritual fight. I choose to follow Jesus. I've got a lot of baggage that needs to be trashed. I let the world and this election process take control of my life and now I'm drawing a line and saying enough! This whole election process knocked me for a loop. I lost a lot of ground. I now want to once-again have Jesus guide my footsteps one day at a time. How about you? But first you have to accept the finished work of Christ. Can you do it? Hmm?
Bottom, line, I don’t need you to tell me what my beliefs are, how I need to worship, and most significantly, who is a true Christian. You are not qualified. And you suffer from an elevated sense of pride. One of the seven deadly sins.

But carry on with your lectures. I find them humorous.
Do you believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? If so, then why do you need to receive the Eucharist? Why do you need to go to Confession? Have you given your life over to Him completely or do you share your 100% commitment to Jesus with other "Catholic" things to get you saved and get you to Heaven? You either accept the Cross as complete and finished or you don't. A fake Christian isn't a Christian at all. If you claim to be a Catholic, you must go to Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation or else lose your salvific relationship with Christ. It's a works-based relationship that adds to the finished work of Jesus Christ on the Cross. Why did that anger you so much for me to call you a fake Christian? Tell me what makes you a real Christian? A real Christian doesn't have to add to the finished work of Christ to earn their salvation and eventual entry into heaven.
Now here's an irony. I'm surprised you haven't spotted it. I've been living the life of a fake Christian myself. But I am truly a Christian because I've accepted the finished work of Christ on the Cross. I've just been living a life of one that hasn't lost his salvation, but one who has forgotten to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. I've been up and down with my faith. But God through the Holy Spirit keeps knocking on the door of my heart. I am truly in a spiritual fight. I choose to follow Jesus. I've got a lot of baggage that needs to be trashed. I let the world and this election process take control of my life and now I'm drawing a line and saying enough! This whole election process knocked me for a loop. I lost a lot of ground. I now want to once-again have Jesus guide my footsteps one day at a time. How about you? But first you have to accept the finished work of Christ. Can you do it? Hmm?
Wow! Right on brother. God will bless and keep you.
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Bottom, line, I don’t need you to tell me what my beliefs are, how I need to worship, and most significantly, who is a true Christian. You are not qualified. And you suffer from an elevated sense of pride. One of the seven deadly sins.

But carry on with your lectures. I find them humorous.

Curious that you always default to 'I'm a better Christian than you', but you never act like it.

Wonderful chance there to give your testimony, instead you used it as a chance to attack.

Fascinating. You keep telling on yourself, and you don't even know it.
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LOL. Too obvious. I told you, I’m smarter than you are. Your little games don’t work on me.

Better go back to troll school.

@BSC911 I've noticed are always going out of your way to tell other posters here that you are smarter than they are. It's obviously very important to you.

Why is it that no poster here has ever cared to claim that they are smarter than you are?

Guess it's just not worth bragging about.
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Again, the topic is @BSC911 being a fake Christian. I swear you deflect to personal attacks and off the topic at hand almost as well as he does.


Anyway, if @BSC911 will just stop being a fake Christian, no one can call him that. This really isn't that hard.
Your attempts to rile him up by calling him a "fake Christian", and earn him the permaban that you have signed yourself up for, is comical. Everyone sees through it. It's quite sad when you try to use faith to instigate some type of message board victory.

Only 6 more days for you left on the board ghosty. Don't you want your legacy to be one of uniting instead of dividing?? Certainly, like trump, your legacy is clouded by losing in humiliating fashion while supporting insurrectionists (remember when you said people were just walking around the capitol? Do you think that sits well with the folks who were terrorized? with the officer's family?), but perhaps you can salvage some self-respect here :)
Your attempts to rile him up by calling him a "fake Christian", and earn him the permaban that you have signed yourself up for, is comical. Everyone sees through it. It's quite sad when you try to use faith to instigate some type of message board victory.

Only 6 more days for you left on the board ghosty. Don't you want your legacy to be one of uniting instead of dividing?? Certainly, like trump, your legacy is clouded by losing in humiliating fashion while supporting insurrectionists (remember when you said people were just walking around the capitol? Do you think that sits well with the folks who were terrorized? with the officer's family?), but perhaps you can salvage some self-respect here :)
He thinks he's some troll genius but he's just a sad little man who's days are numbered.
Your attempts to rile him up by calling him a "fake Christian", and earn him the permaban that you have signed yourself up for, is comical. Everyone sees through it. It's quite sad when you try to use faith to instigate some type of message board victory.

Hi @BSC911. Why would @BSC911 be banned for being a fake Christian? @BSC911 is doing what he always does: He's blaming others for his life not working out the way he wanted it to.

I do think it's amusing that @BSC911 has always gotten nervous about being banned here. A got him riled up so bad one time that he ran to CB and begged him not to ban him. I hadn't said a word to any mod about @BSC911, but he was so worried I had, that he ran to the mods to beg that he be allowed to stay.

That told me how very important posting here is to him. Take that, plus the constant embellishment about his life's accomplishments, attacking others who are more successful, and it paints a pretty sad picture of his life.

I think this board is his therapy session. It's where he can come and get people to finally pay attention to him. Just sad how he has to lie and degrade himself to get it, and even sadder that no one respects him as a result.
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Hi @BSC911. Why would @BSC911 be banned for being a fake Christian? @BSC911 is doing what he always does: He's blaming others for his life not working out the way he wanted it to.

I do think it's amusing that @BSC911 has always gotten nervous about being banned here. A got him riled up so bad one time that he ran to CB and begged him not to ban him. I hadn't said a word to any mod about @BSC911, but he was so worried I had, that he ran to the mods to beg that he be allowed to stay.

That told me how very important posting here is to him. Take that, plus the constant embellishment about his life's accomplishments, attacking others who are more successful, and it paints a pretty sad picture of his life.

I think this board is his therapy session. It's where he can come and get people to finally pay attention to him. Just sad how he has to lie and degrade himself to get it, and even sadder that no one respects him as a result.

Hi @BSC911. Why would @BSC911 be banned for being a fake Christian? @BSC911 is doing what he always does: He's blaming others for his life not working out the way he wanted it to.

I do think it's amusing that @BSC911 has always gotten nervous about being banned here. A got him riled up so bad one time that he ran to CB and begged him not to ban him. I hadn't said a word to any mod about @BSC911, but he was so worried I had, that he ran to the mods to beg that he be allowed to stay.

That told me how very important posting here is to him. Take that, plus the constant embellishment about his life's accomplishments, attacking others who are more successful, and it paints a pretty sad picture of his life.

I think this board is his therapy session. It's where he can come and get people to finally pay attention to him. Just sad how he has to lie and degrade himself to get it, and even sadder that no one respects him as a result.
Ghost.....why did you run to the mods yesterday?? You've only got a few days left on this board. Don't you want to spend them with your friends spinning conspiracy theories instead of taking up the mods time??

As a complete aside, do you spend a lot of time in Wales??
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Hi @BSC911. Why would @BSC911 be banned for being a fake Christian? @BSC911 is doing what he always does: He's blaming others for his life not working out the way he wanted it to.

I do think it's amusing that @BSC911 has always gotten nervous about being banned here. A got him riled up so bad one time that he ran to CB and begged him not to ban him. I hadn't said a word to any mod about @BSC911, but he was so worried I had, that he ran to the mods to beg that he be allowed to stay.

That told me how very important posting here is to him. Take that, plus the constant embellishment about his life's accomplishments, attacking others who are more successful, and it paints a pretty sad picture of his life.

I think this board is his therapy session. It's where he can come and get people to finally pay attention to him. Just sad how he has to lie and degrade himself to get it, and even sadder that no one respects him as a result.

Your capacity for projection is uber alles.
Your capacity for projection is uber alles.
Ha. I just read his post. At this point, he just sounds desperate. I guess he’s like his hero Trump. Some accept losing with grace. Others go out kicking and screaming like a child.
Your capacity for projection is uber alles.

Projection? Projection is when you accuse someone else of engaging in behavior that you are already engaging in. I am proud to say that my behavior is completely opposite of @BSC911's. He has been repeatedly caught lying here, either about having users on Ignore, or about his worldly accomplishments. I never lie here, and I have never shared any of my life details with you or anyone else here. For all you know I could be another of @BSC911's sock accounts.

BTW, since you are such a wacko about your conspiracy theories, I will give you this: I am actually related to Pres Trump. It's distant, but there. I was also related to Presidents Reagan and Lincoln. Even several of the Founding Fathers, including John Quincy Adams, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington. Helps explain why I am so amazing and such an incredible patriot.

You can learn a lot about someone by what pisses them off. @BSC911 has repeatedly said he hates Trump cause he's a billionaire. He hates when anyone openly professes their Christianity. He hates people that he thinks are intelligent like @Sunburnt Indian and myself.

He hates people that he thinks have the stuff that he does not. Pretty telling, and sad. And he embellishes to fill in the holes in his life.

Pretty standard stuff for internet trolls. He's really nothing special in that regard.
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