Oh My! Tommy Boy Steyer is a Hypocrite


Rowdy Reptile
Jun 18, 2012
Just another day in lib world. If they can’t see it from their backyard, it doesn’t matter. Tommy Boy has got some explaining to do. Maybe he will play the Kathy Gifford card and claim he had no knowledge of his vast business dealings. Those poor people in these developing countries are being taking advantage of by another billionaire lib.
Don't be surprised if Tom Steyer tries to sneak into the democratic presidential race later in the year. Please do it! Do it, Steyer, do it!
Well, it happened sooner than I suspected, but I knew he it was just a matter of time Steyer would add his name to the clown show we call the democratic presidential race.
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I wonder how long he'll be trashed for being so wealthy and taking from the poor and oppressed.

Agent Orange
Two old white guys already in the race one has the socialist free everything cornered and the other is the moderate sounding moron who uses his shoes as a chew toy...Steyers niche is environmental nutism and I doubt that moves the needle.

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