NYT with another bombshell, Trump DOJ was spying on dems


Ring of Honor
Oct 1, 2012

Notice none of the dems having vapors are asking the question any competent journalist would ask: Why would they want to monitor these two individuals?

BTW, the more amusing take:

This smells like typical left wing media damage control. Get out in front of the story, try to make the story about the spying.....instead of why Swallwell and Schitt were being monitored.

Sounds like the WHY is about to come out, and this is a smokescreen.
The guy that proclaimed over and over for years he had proof Trump was working for the Russians but under oath admitted he had no proof. And the guy honey potted by a Chinese spy and still sits on the intel committee? They’re probably not dirty.
Yea, I'm going to have to switch to a new snack. If I keep carb loading with all this popcorn I'm going to weigh 400lbs. And don't get me started on popcorn farts.

Get your celery ready?
The DoJ was not EVER under Trump's control imo.
I suggested to him that he fire the top 3 layers at DoJ that were never in his court.

The Dept of No-Justice is a poor joke that's been played on American citizens for years now, and I don't see any real changes coming.
Beijing Biden in jail?
Hunter in jail?
U.S. Ukraine Ambassador in jail?
Hillary in jail?
Bull Schiff in jail?
Schumer in Jail?
Mob Mom Pelosi in jail?
FBI FISA abusers in jail?
And on and on and on.......

No, not in jail. Not even charged and in court.
Like the IRS, the DoJ should be charged under the RICO Act imoho...