"On Tuesday, New York City added a huge number of deaths to the total number of deaths caused by the coronavirus after deciding to include over 3,700 victims who had not tested positive for the virus but were presumed to have the virus because of their symptoms and medical history."
The move spiked the claimed number of deaths in the US from corona flu by 17%.
They claimed this was a 'worldwide health crisis', now they are backdating the numbers to support the hoax.
Sheep still asleep?
"On Tuesday, New York City added a huge number of deaths to the total number of deaths caused by the coronavirus after deciding to include over 3,700 victims who had not tested positive for the virus but were presumed to have the virus because of their symptoms and medical history."
The move spiked the claimed number of deaths in the US from corona flu by 17%.
They claimed this was a 'worldwide health crisis', now they are backdating the numbers to support the hoax.
Sheep still asleep?