No posts about the fight?

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I think Missouri planned that. I was watching one of their assistant coaches literally punching our lineman Richard Gouriage.
You just focus on not letting any Dems win in Georgia, we do not own the refs down here like you do in pee on fire hydrant land!

Georgia is backwoods, we recognize that
But even those dumbass hillbillies recognize the catastrophe of your magat hero
Maybe GA citizens will not have their heads up their asses as much as they usually do and they will not vote for more GOP bullshit corruption

We have a lot of ignorant crackers in Florida too but might do the right thing and end this ****ing nightmare. Don’t be soft, vote this magat shit out
We will work on Kemp and DeSantis dumb asses later
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Georgia is backwoods, we recognize that
But even those dumbass hillbillies recognize the catastrophe of your magat hero
Maybe GA citizens will not have their heads up their asses as much as they usually do and they will not vote for more GOP bullshit corruption

We have a lot of ignorant crackers in Florida too but might do the right thing and end this ****ing nightmare. Don’t be soft, vote this magat shit out
We will work on Kemp and DeSantis dumb asses later
Wut? You seriously hate America so much you want a child molester in there instead of a great president who has lowered our taxes, given us the greatest economy this planet has ever witnessed, made our enemies fear us again and not piss on our faces demanding bribes, done something to stem the tide of illegal aliens crossing over our borders in violation of the constitution, made us veterans and military members no longer embarrassed to admit we have served this country, and actually RESPECTED and HONORED the constitution, the national ensign, and the national anthem rather than piss on them and burn them and turn their backs on them. Do you really think the terrorists are also "peaceful protesters"? like the communist propaganda in this country claims them to be?
Georgia is backwoods, we recognize that
But even those dumbass hillbillies recognize the catastrophe of your magat hero
Maybe GA citizens will not have their heads up their asses as much as they usually do and they will not vote for more GOP bullshit corruption

We have a lot of ignorant crackers in Florida too but might do the right thing and end this ****ing nightmare. Don’t be soft, vote this magat shit out
We will work on Kemp and DeSantis dumb asses later
Now that the Burger King closed I assume you are working at MacDonalds!
Georgia is backwoods, we recognize that
But even those dumbass hillbillies recognize the catastrophe of your magat hero
Maybe GA citizens will not have their heads up their asses as much as they usually do and they will not vote for more GOP bullshit corruption

We have a lot of ignorant crackers in Florida too but might do the right thing and end this ****ing nightmare. Don’t be soft, vote this magat shit out
We will work on Kemp and DeSantis dumb asses later
You mad? It’s gonna be a landslide. Get ready to cry
Let the yankee have his time. It makes him feel better. The same jackass who down talks every SEC state but claims Missouri is the only classy state in the SEC.

Yeah the same Missouri that started the fight. The yankee state of the conference.
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Wut? You seriously hate America so much you want a child molester in there instead of a great president who has lowered our taxes, given us the greatest economy this planet has ever witnessed, made our enemies fear us again and not piss on our faces demanding bribes, done something to stem the tide of illegal aliens crossing over our borders in violation of the constitution, made us veterans and military members no longer embarrassed to admit we have served this country, and actually RESPECTED and HONORED the constitution, the national ensign, and the national anthem rather than piss on them and burn them and turn their backs on them. Do you really think the terrorists are also "peaceful protesters"? like the communist propaganda in this country claims them to be?

And bringing the troops home from Afghanistan - 20 years there is long enough!
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Georgia is backwoods, we recognize that
But even those dumbass hillbillies recognize the catastrophe of your magat hero
Maybe GA citizens will not have their heads up their asses as much as they usually do and they will not vote for more GOP bullshit corruption

We have a lot of ignorant crackers in Florida too but might do the right thing and end this ****ing nightmare. Don’t be soft, vote this magat shit out
We will work on Kemp and DeSantis dumb asses later
Let me introduce you to THE GATOR LOUNGE!
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Georgia is backwoods, we recognize that
But even those dumbass hillbillies recognize the catastrophe of your magat hero
Maybe GA citizens will not have their heads up their asses as much as they usually do and they will not vote for more GOP bullshit corruption

We have a lot of ignorant crackers in Florida too but might do the right thing and end this ****ing nightmare. Don’t be soft, vote this magat shit out
We will work on Kemp and DeSantis dumb asses later
God you are a douchebag. LOL. Let's ask you one more time..........where is your phaggot cuck Gillum these days? Is Anderson Cooper taking snaps under center from him? 🤣
Wut? You seriously hate America so much you want a child molester in there instead of a great president who has lowered our taxes, given us the greatest economy this planet has ever witnessed, made our enemies fear us again and not piss on our faces demanding bribes, done something to stem the tide of illegal aliens crossing over our borders in violation of the constitution, made us veterans and military members no longer embarrassed to admit we have served this country, and actually RESPECTED and HONORED the constitution, the national ensign, and the national anthem rather than piss on them and burn them and turn their backs on them. Do you really think the terrorists are also "peaceful protesters"? like the communist propaganda in this country claims them to be?

You need to cut back on the moonshine. You'll go blind.
Will be interesting to see what, if anything, the SEC office does today. Would hate to lose players for the Georgia game because they lost their cool for a few minutes.
You know the whole thing escalated because of Mullen, right?
No the whole thing escalated because the referees weren’t doing their job and missed a blatant late hit. Not to mention they were generally making bad calls prior to that.

Mullen went after the refs. He maybe could have tried to do it a little more conspicuous but then I’m not really sure that is what caused the fight. Players were already shoving prior to that.
Georgia is backwoods, we recognize that
But even those dumbass hillbillies recognize the catastrophe of your magat hero
Maybe GA citizens will not have their heads up their asses as much as they usually do and they will not vote for more GOP bullshit corruption

We have a lot of ignorant crackers in Florida too but might do the right thing and end this ****ing nightmare. Don’t be soft, vote this magat shit out
We will work on Kemp and DeSantis dumb asses later
Racist POS talking this Andrew Gillum on your boyfriends top again?
No the whole thing escalated because the referees weren’t doing their job and missed a blatant late hit. Not to mention they were generally making bad calls prior to that.

Mullen went after the refs. He maybe could have tried to do it a little more conspicuous but then I’m not really sure that is what caused the fight. Players were already shoving prior to that.

Hit looked late and should have been flagged
Mullen lost his cool and should have been flagged
...players mixed it up a little but for me ..... no harm no foul
Georgia is backwoods, we recognize that
But even those dumbass hillbillies recognize the catastrophe of your magat hero
Maybe GA citizens will not have their heads up their asses as much as they usually do and they will not vote for more GOP bullshit corruption

We have a lot of ignorant crackers in Florida too but might do the right thing and end this ****ing nightmare. Don’t be soft, vote this magat shit out
We will work on Kemp and DeSantis dumb asses later

I think Missouri planned that. I was watching one of their assistant coaches literally punching our lineman Richard Gouriage.

If the SEC sees any of that on the tape, yes, coaches could be suspended. And any coach suspended for fighting should be terminated. IMO.
It’s telling when you see opposing team’s coaches facing opponent players and engaging them instead of their own.
I think Missouri planned that. I was watching one of their assistant coaches literally punching our lineman Richard Gouriage.

Idk... I saw the florida lineman wrestling him yo the ground and him trying to get lose. I didnt see the miss coach punching a UF player. UF started it, it was just pushing and shoving... No big deal imo
All so sure...Biden has been falling apart for weeks. We'll know if a few days. Remember this...

Not seeing that. In 2016 Trump had 306 electoral college votes, which is only 36 more than the 270 needed to win, and right now Biden is leading in 7 states that Trump won in 2016 that total 107 electoral college votes. If that played out, and every other state voted the same, then Biden would win 341-199. Trump would have to swing at least 71 of those 107 electoral votes back by Tuesday, which is either the 4 biggest or the 6 smallest. Not an easy road. Possible, but unlikely.
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Guardian is a garbage British leftist rag, that should never be a source for news in the US, for anyone dis earning that is....

RE: The fight; there’ll have to be some form of sanctions on both sides of the melee for the SEC officiating to prevent this crap
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Guardian is a garbage British leftist rag, that should never be a source for news in the US, for anyone dis earning that is....

RE: The fight; there’ll have to be some form of sanctions on both sides of the melee for the SEC officiating to prevent this crap

The Guardian, founded in 1821, is an actual, real journalistic site, unlike what Rupert Murdoch and his buddies have done to journalism here.

But I get it, you are running scared, and denial is your last refuge.
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Mullen lost his cool, but he most certainly did not start anything. He went out there to confront the refs. If you say otherwise you obviously are just making up shit. It was clearly a late hit. Much less gets called these days.
The Guardian, founded in 1821, is an actual, real journalistic site, unlike what Rupert Murdoch and his buddies have done to journalism here.

But I get it, you are running scared, and denial is your last refuge.

no fear here, but I’ve followed the Guardian, Independent, Telegraph, and Daily Mail for years to gauge British sentiment.... and the Guardian is a leftist political tool, and in this case, a foreign leftist tool. Glad you’re running so scared as to be looking for good news across the Atlantic

done with this topic on the Sports board
Yeah, we totally plan on bringing it to Jacksonville too.

So, no substance...expected

No Yankee here, love America, but recognize bullshit. And magats, magat is bullshit

We live well. That tough guy nonsense plays poorly. Stop being such softies. Fora decade online mouth breathing mutts have strewn insults. Any pushback they drop the snowflake line. Now, those same king pussies become massive snowflakes when pushed back. Bully pusses

Gators win
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