I see why the schools are really cracking down on these places due to the negative press when anything goes wrong but I still think adults and even teenagers under 18 need to take responsibility for themselves also. I know when I was in high school and college you weren't going to stop the partying but some of this frat stuff does go overboard it seems. I think like with many recent drug overdoses society trying to punish others for someone else's personal decision has led to many people not calling the authorities right when they should have due to being worried they will be arrested themselves. Not sure exactly what happened here but in some cases it became clear after the fact that 911 wasn't called due to the other people fearing arrest. I think the law should be where they can't arrest you for calling emergency services for someone whether you had illegal drugs there or not or are underage drinking etc. That might actually save a few people. Also it would be nice if people would make sure someone looks out for someone that is crazy drunk so they don't die on the couch during the night or something crazy like that.