YIs it because of supposed police brutality towards blacks and the ongoing suppression they face? I believe that is what Kap based his stance on. Are all the other athletes following suit for the same reasoning?
Yeah but what is the "look" they are wanting? Is it because of supposed police brutality towards blacks and the ongoing suppression they face? I believe that is what Kap based his stance on. Are all the other athletes following suit for the same reasoning?
Oozie, kudos to MB for doing such a thing. Kind of adds to my questioning about all of this.
I don't think most of them know tbh. And I think that goes for all the players participating, black and white. For example I can't remember who (think it was Shannon Sharpe) but when they asked him what it meant to him that David Carr supported his teammate to show that white players and black players support each other he said it didn't mean anything to him. His point was it isn't anything new, sports transcends race like that ANYWAY, you're a brotherhood. Them sitting together isn't some sign that black players and white players can get along, black players and white players have always gotten along lol. The whole thing has just become stupid and lost meaning at this point.
I think this thing is just getting started. Maybe the spike in the players sitting is just flavor of the week response to Charlottesville, but it will be interesting if this picks up steam to see if the league responds.
I don't know either.Can someone please explain to me why players are refusing to stand for the anthem? I know it started with Kap but what is the cut to the chase reasoning with him and the rest that are doing so? I think I know but am not 100%. Thank you.
I think it's just getting started too, but at least to me none of it has any meaning at this point. Seems like most are just doing it to be doing something without thinking about why they're doing it or what exactly they're gonna change. I'm sorry but I can't respect literally just sitting down and then acting like you're doing something.
Now somebody like Michael Bennett? I'd listen to his concerns, he's putting his money where his mouth is. Marshawn Lynch? Same thing, he's in Oakland's inner city spending big money. The rest are mostly just doing it because its fashionable.
Oozie, this is somewhat outdated as it was 2015 I believe? I'm curious on your thoughts though. Thanks in advance.
Some are probably doing it without much thought. I respect the ones who are doing it with some commitment, because they are putting something at risk. The "first white protestor" is a third string tight end. He legitimately might be putting his career at risk. I respect anyone who puts their time or money to improving other people's lives, but I don't think it's a prerequisite to a valid protest. Generally speaking, I like protest, even if it's not that well thought out or coherent, because I think there's plenty to be pissed off about, but a lot of it is pretty complicated, and there is a lot of propaganda flying around on all sides. It will be interesting to see if these preseason protests carry over into the regular season. And it will be interesting to see the reaction if some of these guys kneeling are cut.
I had a black friend of mine on FB say he was boycotting the NFL until Kap was signed. I have a fair amount of black friends but being he is black he most certainly has more. I was amazed by of the follow-up comments. I asked...where is the outrage for Tebow? Here is a response from a guy I don't know but the friend of mine does...
serious question. Why do whites always find shit funny to say when blacks are being attacked? You mother****ers. Believe that.
It can be said Tim has been kept out of the league due to his religion and the media circus he brings. Right? Should people be taking a knee for Tim? Again, I don't think people know why the protest is occulting including those conducting the protest. I also think the FB poster quoted above is as much of the problem as anyone. He clearly has a ton of pent up hate.
I think this thing is just getting started. Maybe the spike in the players sitting is just flavor of the week response to Charlottesville, but it will be interesting if this picks up steam to see if the league responds.
Racism is damn sure getting out of hand.
I think that the NFL roster personal should reflect the race population in the general public. From now on, at least 48% of the NFL players will need to be white men, otherwise it is obvious race discrimination against the white's....
The same goes for the Gator's football team...