New Zealand to ban tobacco starting in 2024


Ring of Honor
Oct 1, 2012

As someone who has lost loved ones to smoking, I wish we never had cigarettes because they are killers. And almost every smoker will tell you they wish they had never started smoking.

So when countries start banning tobacco, this will be an easy ban for a lot of people to get behind.

That's why they are starting with tobacco. This isn't about banning tobacco, it's about SETTING THE PRECEDENT that its acceptable to ban products.

It's a very slippery slope when it comes to trading in your rights and freedoms for what makes sense in the moment.
"Prohibition won’t happen overnight. Instead, the country will raise the legal smoking age each year, so that people born after 2008 will never be allowed to puff."

Stupid law. They have a lot of nerve targeting a specific generation like that. One day those kids will grow up and Haka dance their parents out of Parliament.

As much as political polarization sucks, this stuff is what happens when one party has near-total control of the country. Labour has more seats than the next four parties, combined. I'll take gridlock any day over this.
Jacinta Ardern is a tyrannt ten times over. And as a cigar enthusiast, I find this draconian law being another in a line of the agenda to enslave the New Zealanders altogether. Peope like her hate free-will. It nullifies their grip on the population. The thing I don't understand about the Zealander/Aussie citizens down under is why aren't they more fervent in their efforts to oppose their tyrannical leaders.
This is a phase out...anyone under 14 as of 2027 will be banned from ever buying tobacco.

In TN you must be 21 to buy it. It was 18 just 2 years ago.

It will be likely well over 60 years before the last cancer stick is sold in NZ.

I like the idea of a phase out. Lets do it and add social security and medicare/medicaid, and welfare to the list.
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Jacinta Ardern is a tyrannt ten times over. And as a cigar enthusiast, I find this draconian law being another in a line of the agenda to enslave the New Zealanders altogether. Peope like her hate free-will. It nullifies their grip on the population. The thing I don't understand about the Zealander/Aussie citizens down under is why aren't they more fervent in their efforts to oppose their tyrannical leaders.

These are people who still bow down to another country's queen.

Part of the issue is their parliamentary system. They don't directly elect their prime minister. The PM is chosen by the party. I think this results in a less populist, more "we know what's best for you" mentality.

You could argue that the lack of guns is a factor. But having guns didn't stop their overlords from taking them in the first place.
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God slave the Queen....
Let them eat cake. History is always repeated by ignorant idiots who refuse to learn it.
I used to bang a Kiwi years ago, she was hot until she did a full on smile. I guess that gum line is a genetic trait. :oops: This PM just needs an S added to the end.:oops:
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NZ is basically if a country was ruled by the California democrat
This is a phase out...anyone under 14 as of 2027 will be banned from ever buying tobacco.

In TN you must be 21 to buy it. It was 18 just 2 years ago.

It will be likely well over 60 years before the last cancer stick is sold in NZ.

I like the idea of a phase out. Lets do it and add social security and medicare/medicaid, and welfare to the list.

I though this guy was a libertarian!
As North Carolina farmers remove 'Vacation in New Zealand' from their bucket lists.....

As someone who has lost loved ones to smoking, I wish we never had cigarettes because they are killers. And almost every smoker will tell you they wish they had never started smoking.

So when countries start banning tobacco, this will be an easy ban for a lot of people to get behind.

That's why they are starting with tobacco. This isn't about banning tobacco, it's about SETTING THE PRECEDENT that its acceptable to ban products.

It's a very slippery slope when it comes to trading in your rights and freedoms for what makes sense in the moment.
Like @BayouGator1995 I enjoy a cigar. Now it’s 1-3 a year, I keep a humidor and feel like the longer they are in there the better they taste, but I’m not much of a lung/mouth/throat cancer risk. I’d doubt many enthusiasts are either,

My point is not all tobacco is the same.

And I’ve lost family to cigarettes too, they are awful. I tried real hard to smoke in my early 20’s and it just never did much for me. Quitting dipping was a bear though.
More info than most are likely to be interested in, so just skip on by this.

I smoked coffin nails with my all of my buds as a teenager back in the 60's.
I continued through my military years ($1.10 a carton) and I also smoked a pipe for a time.

But by the early 70's I began to taper off.
Winston to Salem to Kool to B&H 100's, to B&H mild, to ultra lights, to eventually quitting in my 30's.

Smoked Tampa Jewel cigars for a while and for a shot time tried Bandits (nasty-yuk).
Somewhere in that time frame I gave up 3 Cokes/day, then all carbonated beverages.

By my late 40's I quit all tobacco for 8-10 years. In my 50's I took up pipes again and developed quite a collection (175+). Then a fishing buddy got me into an occasional quality hand wrapped cigar.

I gave up my strong caffeine Cuban coffee for Earl Grey tea a couple of years ago.

I recently (last year or so) got to smoking 1-3 cigars a day, so before Halloween I quit all tobacco again. Now that I'm out, I'm going to slip back in to the occasional pipe or cigar as a choice, instead of as a constant habit. Doing them, instead of them doing me.

The mind commands the body and it performs.
The mind commands itself and meets resistance.
But will-power has never seemed to be much of a problem for me, once I decide to do something, or to stop doing something, unlike the weak willed of the world that don't seem able to choose, and then follow their choice.

"It's our choices that show who we truly are." -- AD
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More info than most are likely to be interested in, so just skip on by this.

I smoked coffin nails with my all of my buds as a teenager back in the 60's.
So when did you meet the bigfeets? I mean you said you spent your whole life smoking and drinking cokes. When did you find time to get top secret clearance in Bob Lazar's spaceship and learn about infinite universes?
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Looks like the Dog-Poker is now poking the GhostofBRAINLESS, and he's liking it.... Twins up on their wall twiddling their thumbs, or something like that....
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The people Down Under have a history of rolling over to foreign government. No sense of patriotism or identity. They just naturally do what the Romans do. That's why they're back to being penal colonies again.
So you are saying that the Crocodile Dundee and Croc Hunter tough guy personas are frauds? Aussie men are really just Sheilas and not tough guys?

Does this mean I have to give up drinking Fosters or my p3cker will fall off and I will become a "they" or "it?"
  • Haha
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