When do they break ground. Thought it was this month but haven’t seen anything lately
I can guarantee to you that nothing is slowing down. Major project going on right now in my group which has not slipped it's deadline by a single day this year. This project will pretty much all but guarantee that UF slides from the #8 university in the country up into the top 5. We will also just happen to have the 5th fastest supercomputer on the planet and the fastest by far of any education facility on the planet as well. But you never heard that from me as it hasn't been officially announced.According to Gators.com they break ground in July. So as of right now they are on schedule, as it is not yet July. Which surprises me, I would have thought the social distancing requirements would have slowed things down.
https://floridagators.com/news/2019/12/9/gators-to-name-new-football-facility-after-heavener.aspx#:~:text=Construction on the 140,000-square,training room and coaches' offices.
Well insta they can’t finish if they don’t start
but thanks for the info
I can guarantee to you that nothing is slowing down. Major project going on right now in my group which has not slipped it's deadline by a single day this year. This project will pretty much all but guarantee that UF slides from the #8 university in the country up into the top 5. We will also just happen to have the 5th fastest supercomputer on the planet and the fastest by far of any education facility on the planet as well. But you never heard that from me as it hasn't been officially announced.
For what it's worth, not a single person in my work team has "worked" a day from home yet.