New Covid study shows


Ring of Honor
Gold Member
Jan 19, 2011
New Covid study shows over 95% of All US Covid hospital admissions and all US Covid deaths within the last month or in unvaccinated people.
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Interesting. I wonder how they compiled data.

Also of note….another vax thread from mcstuffins
Interesting. I wonder how they compiled data.

Also of note….another vax thread from mcstuffins
It’s so hard to get data from hospitals in the of electronica medical records and computer data bases


Humorous how you monolithic chuckleheads will question this data but blindly accept VARES data 🤣🤣🤣
It’s so hard to get data from hospitals in the air of electronica medical records and computer data bases


Trust me I know. In order to get va records you gotta damn near get congressional support. Was the 95 percent the honor system or did they test or something?
Trust me I know. In order to get va records you gotta damn near get congressional support. Was the 95 percent the honor system or did they test or something?
Trust me none of this is coming from the VA

Again I love how you monolithic thinkers will except data from the government that you like and then claim everything from the government that you don’t like can’t be right

It’s cute
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Trust me none of this is coming from the VA

Again I love how are you monolithic thinkers will except data from the government that you like and then claim everything from the government that you don’t like can’t be right

It’s cute

So, no data from the VA. So for folks that use the VA explicitly, how are those numbers figured in?

The monolithic thinking is happening ITT for sure. What do you see in the mirror?
Another thread where a loud and proud, dumb guy heckles an an actual, qualified, doctor about a subject that he knows nothing about except some stuff he read on the internet.
Actually it provides me with hours worth of entertainment which is why I keep doing this. Helps me understand how little these guys probably know about anything watching how stupid they are about this
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Another thread where a loud and proud, dumb guy heckles an an actual, qualified, doctor about a subject that he knows nothing about except some stuff he read on the internet.

This doctor still thinks there are zero treatments despite large masses of his colleagues that disagree. So theres that.
Heres to hoping doc mcstuffins will post at least 3 more topics today on vaccines
This doctor still thinks there are zero treatments despite large masses of his colleagues that disagree. So theres that.
Heres to hoping doc mcstuffins will post at least 3 more topics today on vaccines
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Another thread where a loud and proud, dumb guy heckles an an actual, qualified, doctor about a subject that he knows nothing about except some stuff he read on the internet.

Whats even better is the folks who will see article after article of doctors using treatments that they say work. Doctors that can actually be validated with legitimate credentials, and they won’t believe what those doctors say. Yet someone claims to be a doctor on a message board….yeah….you betcha. His word is gospel.
Too funny. Thailor boy thinks he us upsetting people, again. Maybe a good wife comment next….

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those 95% are probably using the Trump HCQ approach. Darwin wins again.