The truth about what brought about this whole issue:
A investigative reporter was on the radio this morning. This all started when a father who was arrested at the School Board Meeting in Loudon County. It was his first time attending a meeting. The topic on hand for the night was the new transgender policy they were going to push on the County. Now, what they MSM isn't telling us, 3 weeks before the School Board Meeting, this father's daughter was raped at school, in the girl's bathroom by a "genderfluid" male wearing a skirt. The attacker was charged. The school and school board did everything they could to cover up the incident and basicaaly stated it never happended. 3 weeks later, at the school board meeting, during the opening they are going on and on about there is no concern about genetic boys using the girls facilities, etc and stated that if anyone was against their policy, they were bigots. An activist in the audeince, who just happen to be sitting close by this father, who was signed up to speak that night, basically said to the father, everyone knows your daughter lied. The father lost it and they ended up having him arrested and hauled off, prior to him having his time to speak.
He was charged with2 minor crimes that are usually never charged. At Court, the County Prosecutor, who never is the assigned attorney for minor crimes is the prosecuting attorney and they pushed for throwing him in jail. the father was also ban from attending any further school board meetings, including the next one, when the policy was being voted on. Oh, and his daughter's attacker never went to jail or even juve. They transfered him to a different school. Guess what happended 2 months later, that same kid sexually assualted a girl at the new school.