Sorry Doc! Now you are just talking out your azz! Get to know the man first before you label or categorize him.
When the American people decide to get out from in front of their idiot boxes and their dumbphones and can HONESTLY pick their "OWN" candidates instead of falling for the mainstream puppets that get paraded out onto the stage then i will vote. Please don't tell me that i have to follow the sheeple because i choose to stand on my own two feet. There is no such thing as a Republican or a Democrat. (They died a long time ago) They are ALL thugs and gangsta's nowadays. We need more than just a two party system. That is how TPTB have been able to corral and separate the people. That is how they have succeeded in achieving the us against them mentality and mindset. Our founding fathers warned us of a two party system but we have forgotten our history. People tell me since i don't vote i can't bitch and complain and i tell them i pay taxes each week and have provided for my family, so don't tell me that i can't bitch,piss,moan and cry! Freaking "Wake Up" Yes i am a kook and conspiracy theorist but it has served me well! The book 1984 that was written in 1949 by Orson Wells to this day still amazes me. Eisenhower, Kennedy and others have talked about secret societies. Did that make them kook's as well? Why didn't we do as George Patton said to do and deal with the Russians back in the late 40's?