Looks like the dems have already given up on the Georgia case as well

They can bully the poor or middle class into pleading to process "crimes" by twisting reality/narratives and playing with definitions. Gen. Flynn only caved when they threatened his son. They pretty much bankrupted him over false claims of perjury and withheld evidence of his innocence.

Trump's got money.

If he told them he had no classified docs that's because he had declassified them.

Besides is lying to your lawyer a crime?

Enough already!

Haman and the Band need to be hoisted on their own petards

Impartial SC Jack Smith gonna save them now!


That was a sealed document by the Owebama Judge that was leaked to #Fakknews ABC. The only people who could have leaked it is the DOJ prosecutor or the loathsome Owebama judge. This is federal crime with punishment up to 10 years. The #fakenews reporters and the Owebama judge / DOJ are in big trouble.

Do you really think MAGA could get a fair trial in a district that votes 95% RAT especially after this?

That was a sealed document by the Owebama Judge that was leaked to #Fakknews ABC. The only people who could have leaked it is the DOJ prosecutor or the loathsome Owebama judge. This is federal crime with punishment up to 10 years. The #fakenews reporters and the Owebama judge / DOJ are in big trouble.

Do you really think MAGA could get a fair trial in a district that votes 95% RAT especially after this?
It's so sad that the left has totally abandoned any sense of a moral compass. But another reason why we need a national divorce, we've been propping these leeches up long enough.