Liars, cheaters and thieves

Capt Ron 1

Bull Gator
Gold Member
Nov 29, 2021
Fort Walton Bch, Fl
Thread title made me think of an episode of Real Housewives of - name your city.
EVERY democrat. Imagine using this garbage when FJB checked his watch at the 13 fallen's arrival

The MSM had to spread the Demoncrat lies since they couldn’t run stories about Joe & the Kamelho skipping the ceremony and being responsible for the deaths… so they had to distract their lemmings by finding “something” negative to report about Trump, since he did attend.

ZOMGoshhhhh!!!!!!!! STOP THE PRESSES!!!!! A Trump team member “PUSHED ASIDE” a cemetery worker!!!!!! The HORROR!!!!!!!!!!!! DEMOCRACY is in PERIL!!!!!!!

Yes… “pushed aside” was used in many of the headlines, when I searched for the story, earlier today. No word yet if Trump’s limo hit a puddle and splashed any minority children when they left Arlington. 🙄
These POS’s hate the military. The end. And most of the military dislikes them And they LOVE Trump. The dims choose illegal aliens over the military EVERY CHANCE they get.

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