There was a time in my life when I would have been mortified to be called "racist," "sexist," supporting "rape culture," etc., but now I really don't gaf. These terms used to mean something, but they have been worn dull by overuse.
I'm fairly liberal, and even I despise these people. I can't imagine what it must be like for actual conservatives. I can (sort of) sympathize with with their backing the aggressively un-PC Trump, purely as an "Eff You" to the tedious snowflakes.
Milo is a bit of a troll -- basically, the "hip, young gay guy" version of Ann Coulter. But, I love the fact that he is gay; it makes him invincible to the standard, ad hominem feminist attacks.
In a way, all of this "outrage" culture business will be a good thing. People are already getting wise to it.
I really don't care for Trump, but I kind of, like %1, would enjoy seeing him elected, just to watch the collective apoplectic head explosions that would ensue.