Left and MSM now throwing Mueller under the bus

Schiff says there's plenty of evidence Trump colluded. The coup attempt in the House will go on.

The lefties here get offended when I call them sheep. @SoProudNole left the board because it upset him so greatly.

Yet if they were NOT sheep, this is where they would be demanding that Schitt put up or shut up. They would be demanding that Schitt either provide proof of his claims that Trump colluded with Russia, or resign.

As you can see, none of them have done this, and they won't. Because they aren't critical thinkers, they are sheep.
Remember when the libtards were begging for James Comey's head before the 2016 election, then Trump does the libtards a favor by firing him and all of a sudden Comey is a hero to the left. Man, they probably wish Trump would have fired Mueller when several conservatives were calling for his head. I guess it was worth it in the end by not firing Mueller and not bringing in a 2nd special council(which I hoped for a while back).
With a staff of 19 Trump hating lawyers on his team, it's highly unlikely Mueller is hiding anything.

Bingo. This entire 'investigation' leaked like a sieve from the get-go.

Contrast that with the investigations being carried out by IG Horowitz and John Huber. No one has any idea what they are doing, and that's how it should be. Mueller's investigation was a political tool and the media was an all-too willing accomplice.

And still he got nothing. Sheep hoodwinked bigly.

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