Kavanaugh backlash: Dem's lead in generic ballot falls to 1 point

From Quinnipiac probably means Pubs lead by 4. Q often over samples with Dimms.

IIRC, roughly 25% of Americans are registered as Dems, 35% Republican, 40% Independent. Yet for almost every poll, 40-50% of respondents are Dems, 25-30% Republicans.

As Rush says, initial polls are used to shape public opinion, then in the weeks before the election, they start to tighten as the pollsters don't want to be called out for 'missing' it. Look at what media says about 2016 election "Oh most of the polls had Hillary up by 3-4 points, and she won popular vote by 3%, so they nailed it!" Right, but those same polls had her up by 12 points or so for over a year. They only dropped in the last week or so before election.
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From Quinnipiac probably means Pubs lead by 4. Q often over samples with Dimms.

Fake polls are used to shape public perception IE Blue wave. Do you really think the Bernaistas and the RAT party really led by 12-14 %? Remember RAT run Quinnipiac poll that had the fake Hispanic and Cruz within 4? Now it’s back up to 9? Cruz will win by double digits

#fakepolls #fakenews
Gov. Moonbeam signed the Mexican Voter Act in Kalifornia. Anyone gets a driver licence. Yes it's a driver licence. You probably have one in your wallet. With a driver licence you can register to vote.

Some estimates say as many as 2 million illegals voted in Kalifornia. Who here thinks they voted for the MAG?
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Current Quinnipiac has Cruz up by 9. As the election approaches, Cruz is building momentum.

Obama has endorsed 11 Texans running for congress but not Beto. Today a reporter asked Beto if he'd like an Obama endorsement. Beto said "not likely. President Obama will go down as one of our greatest presidents but this is Texas."

Beto is anti-America and delusional.
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