Nice!Tip O'Neill - Wikipedia
Yeah. I gotta be honest, saw the Tucker interiew with Robert kennedy Jr.....I would like to hear more about his views, but this is someone that seems to have their head on straight. Depending on his "other view' ( not dicussed in the interview ) AND he knocked off Biden in the primary....I could be interested in RFKjr over DJTYou young people won't believe this but there was a time when all democrats weren't rancid pieces of anti-American poop.
*screams, wailing and gnashing of teeth from Ghost and his tribe of sycophants*.I could be interested in RFKjr over DJT
From what I've heard Jr is a whackadoodle eco (enviro) terrorist.*screams, wailing and gnashing of teeth from Ghost and his tribe of sycophants*
Seriously, RFK is an environmental loon like Gore and Kerry. Wait..........WAS? I see he has pivoted somewhat. When did that happen? When I wasn't looking? Now he sounds like a politician for sure. 😂 I honestly don't follow the guy. His voice drives me up a wall.Whoah. *backs away slowly*
I can’t understand a single thing he says.Seriously, RFK is an environmental loon like Gore and Kerry. Wait..........WAS? I see he has pivoted somewhat. When did that happen? When I wasn't looking? Now he sounds like a politician for sure. 😂 I honestly don't follow the guy. His voice drives me up a wall.
RFK Jr. has changed his tune from being an environmental lawyer to peddling conspiracy theories about the science of climate change. It’s clear RFK Jr. can’t be trusted when it comes to climate action — he’s more interested in parroting MAGA talking points.”
- Robert F. Kennedy Jr. launches a presidential campaign that deviates from his environmentalist roots, challenging both Biden and Trump supporters.
— Matt Corridoni, Democratic National Committee spokesperson.
The enemy of my enemy is my ally. If the Dimtards hate him for more than just stealing votes from Pedolph, I can change my mind about him.