Not a military vet, but I do know what a shotgun blast at 10 paces does to a raccoon head. It ain't pretty, and that's with bird shot.I dont know if we have many military vets here, but the ones we have here. Do you remember the shot guns in boot camp? We used to go through a line and get shots at a fast really quick pace. Couldnt that process be used on the public?
I misread your post. They have little guns now that don't even use needles for injections. Sort of like a little brad nailer gun of sorts. I think this whole abortion of a process is shelf life of vaccine, refrigeration, and bickering over who gets priority. Do people REALLY think government is the most efficient provider of health care? I have some oceanfront property in Nebraska to sell them. 😂 😁I was asking a serious question. In the military we had shots in no time. A whole company was done before it was time to eat again.