As usual. I've been telling everyone from the start what a scumbag that illiterate used car salesman, captain caveman is up at Tennessee. Now he's come out of the closet with his biggest and brightest rainbow cape on and proudly showed the entire world what a scumbag he is with this rape situation.
Doesn't give a flying flip that his scuzzball cheaters he calls players assaulted one of their teammates. He basically laughed at the kid and called him a traitor when he tried to report that he had the shit beat out of him by his teammates. Nope. Nothing done to any of those players at all. Not. A. Damn. Thing.
8 or 9 women raped by his football team? "Not a problem, we'll just ignore them as we will come up with a couple million from the "recruiting fund" and pay them some hush money. What we REALLY need to do is have everyone sit down and hold a national press conference and complain that everyone is lying about us. We don't deserve all this bad press in the media about our athletic department, we're the true victims here. Honestly, I would never ever ever lie except when it comes to recruiting and dealing with the NCAA. Oops did I say that out loud, that's ok I'm legally illiterate in 38 states, so I cannot be held accountable for anything that comes out of my mouth." -Butch Doofus the wonder Caveman.
Doesn't give a flying flip that his scuzzball cheaters he calls players assaulted one of their teammates. He basically laughed at the kid and called him a traitor when he tried to report that he had the shit beat out of him by his teammates. Nope. Nothing done to any of those players at all. Not. A. Damn. Thing.
8 or 9 women raped by his football team? "Not a problem, we'll just ignore them as we will come up with a couple million from the "recruiting fund" and pay them some hush money. What we REALLY need to do is have everyone sit down and hold a national press conference and complain that everyone is lying about us. We don't deserve all this bad press in the media about our athletic department, we're the true victims here. Honestly, I would never ever ever lie except when it comes to recruiting and dealing with the NCAA. Oops did I say that out loud, that's ok I'm legally illiterate in 38 states, so I cannot be held accountable for anything that comes out of my mouth." -Butch Doofus the wonder Caveman.