Keep printing money. No end in sight. Keep people at home (pay them to sit at home) and not help supply keep up with demand. Spend, spend, spend,
Since Hiden took office we are no longer energy independent as we were under Trump as he has undermined the oil industry with policy.
Not sure if you are a consumer of anything, but man it’s fun to try to shop for just about anything right now. Thanks dems for promoting covid policies of not working. Supply chain is fooked in part because labor shortages. Again, stay home, don’t want you to catch covid.
Covid mandates for businesses creating shortages as well. People quitting, get fired etc.
The easy truth. The Biden admin has not created a business friendly political environment.
Just to name a few. The bigger question back to you, whats he doing to stop it?
The Federal Reserve Bank (the Fed) and the Biden administration are systematically undermining the stability of the American economy with a variety of unwise