well she can't be black, no one bones black women... RIP sex life for African American women since 2007.. A study by professor number, number numbers back in 2006 showed that more and more men are pro creating with caucasian women of the ages between 15-41... Studies suggest Numbers a scientist top of his field in Rivals that seemed to prove that black women are known to be too incompetent while acting like they know everything and yapping that made 100 random males state that they are un sexable to go in half on children with... Dr. Numbers numbers have indeed been backed up by Scholar Sadgator to be true, as his wife is also caucasian...
Numbers by Dr. Numbers are projected to drop and all babies will be full caucasian for caucafrican for many more years to come, numbers seem to be projecting that way until further notice until the sun dies out of power. Verdict appears to be, if you are a black woman, "Dr. Numbers says all black women should freeze they eggs or stop talking"