This all has to do with warming. A cool year creates an imbalance in the Ice because of all the previous melting from warm years. The dramatic changes in temperature need to be moderated to avoid spikes in either direction. Gov't can control the weather and global temperatures. They really can. Just ask them.
Granted, this will take years to correct and progress will be slow. However, the first step is to pass Cap and Trade so the Gov't can tax the living cr@p out of you and use the money to fix the glitches/ abortion known as the ACA website. Its doable. It really is... Trust them.
The vast majority of energy usage, freon usage, chlorine usage, and carbon dioxide generation is in the Northern Hemisphere, and such pollutants would mostly remain in the Northerm Hemisphere due to the atmospheric coriolis effects, but the scientists always want to travel to Australia and Antartica for alot of the research they do. Its amazing that pack ice in the Artic has grown in the face of some scientists *evidence*.
It still kills me when that ozone hole appeared in the Southern Hemisphere when all the "ozone depleting freons" were being used in the Northern hemisphere, and the sloped-headed glorified meteorologists jumped up and down how this PROVED their theories.....
Lets just remember how scientists get paid....research grant money. Nearly all the macroscopic physical effects in our world are fairly well understood. Therefore scientists have to focus on esoteric microscopic effects, of which they guess at the effective range of such effects, multiplied by uncertainty, amplified by dubiously isolated testing, flowered by the goal to impress, and abstracted in reports to stress how the infitesimal adds up to being the macroscopic. Cash the check. Rinse and repeat. This post was edited on 10/29 10:28 AM by IrishPokerDog