The IG referred its findings on comey to the DOJ for criminal prosecution. The DOJ declined based on these findings alone.
Setting the stage for the report on FISA abuse
The U. S. has a 2 tiered justice system. Comey gets a Get Out Of Jail Card. Who would have thought?
A Federal judge made a favorable ruling for Judicial Watch. Hillary is to answer questions under oath about 33,000 emails destroyed under subpoena.
The rub? Hillary suffers from chronic amnesia. And of course, she never means to commit her crimes. Probably wouldn't work for Melania, even though Melania is an immigrant.
I need indictments and charges . I’m tired of the BS 70 page report of window dressing of nothing . Comey should have been charged on 4 counts.
We have a 2 tier justice system.
I understand more IG report is to come. Comey might be playing with fire. Comey might should cool it.