I Just Need 5.7 Billion More Freaking $$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Come on man, what's 5.7 million more dollars?
Whats a measly 5.7 million $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$[/QUOTE

Owebama pissed away over 10 TRILLION Borrowed BUCK$$$ and got NOTHING tangible to show for it in return.

He even gave our biggest enemy 157 BILLION TAXPAYER DOLLAR$ in exchange for a promise to wait until 2024 to nuke the US and Israel.

Jimmy Carter only froze 8.5 Billion Iranian dollars in 1979 and the US was never repaid for US property seized in Iran or for compensation to the families of those taken hostage or the Marines wounded and murdered in Lebanon by Iran.

But you Hopium Addicts cheered the Kenyan Kommie, didn't you?
Obama Obama Obama Give it a rest man!
You want to go down that Iran hostage bullshit road then
lets go back to the 50's when the CIA helped britain overthrow
Iran's democratically elected president. All in the name of oil!

The CIA has publicly admitted for the first time that it was behind the notorious 1953 coup against Iran's democratically elected prime minister Mohammad Mosaddeq, in documents that also show how the British government tried to block the release of information about its own involvement in his overthrow.
Obama Obama Obama Give it a rest man!
You want to go down that Iran hostage bullshit road then
lets go back to the 50's when the CIA helped britain overthrow
Iran's democratically elected president. All in the name of oil!

Got nothing to do with the REAL Traitor supplying 157 BILLION US Taxpayer Dollar$ to America's #1 ENEMY just 3 years ago.
Now then, you still sit there and wonder why Iran had a hard on
toward us?

There's nobody alive in Iran who gives a damn that the Shah was put on the throne by the UK and US. That happened over 65 years ago. I ran is an enemy of the US because Jimmy Carter orchestrated the overthrow of the Shah and replacing that US favoring mild dictatorship with insane Moslem Theocratic mullahs possessing 7th century Moslem fanatical blood lust wanting to destroy ALL Western Civilization.

Just like you democrats want.
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There's nobody alive in Iran who gives a damn that the Shah was put on the throne by the UK and US. That happened over 65 years ago. I ran is an enemy of the US because Jimmy Carter orchestrated the overthrow of the Shah and replacing that US favoring mild dictatorship with insane Moslem Theocratic mullahs possessing 7th century Moslem fanatical blood lust wanting to destroy ALL Western Civilization.

Just like you democrats want.
Nope! but there was in 1979
But it was O.K when Uncle Ronnie was selling Iran weapons?

They got NOTHING that could be used against the US. Spare parts for their obsolete Hawk AA batteries and shoulder fired TOW Anti-Tank missiles( which had to be fired with the soldier remaining in full view of the enemy as he had to guide that wire guided missile to it's target. Not the most brilliant weapon ever invented). All DEFENSIVE materials used against Iraq.

Your ilk love to screech that absurdity but refuse to actually tell the truth as to what was sold to the Mullahs. SOLD not GIVEN as was the case with what the Kenyan Traitor did.

Not Money to facilitate building Nuclear warheads on top of ICBMs capable of hitting most US Cities.
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One important question that i have asked over and over to you retarded chicken shit Republicans. Who is gonna pay all this money back? Who?
They got NOTHING that could be used against the US. Spare parts for their obsolete Hawk AA batteries and shoulder fired TOW Anti-Tank missiles( which had to be fired with the soldier remaining in full view of the enemy as he had to guide that wire guided missile to it's target. Not the most brilliant weapon ever invented). All DEFENSIVE materials used against Iraq.

Your ilk love to screech that absurdity but refuse to actually tell the truth as to what was sold to the Mullahs. SOLD not GIVEN as was the case with what the Kenyan Traitor did.

Not Money to facilitate building Nuclear warheads on top of ICBMs capable of hitting most US Cities.
And they destroyed the morals of this country because of your ilk
If it was o.k. to do what they done then why did they hide it.

Like Oliver North said, democrats are the enemy of this nation and they don't deserve to be told what's going on in Foreign and Military affairs because they will let our enemies know.

Reagan bought 6 Americans out of captivity. Owebama didn't even try to get any Americans being unjustly held by Iran back for the 157 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLAR$he gave Iran.

You and your ilk have your head so far up Owebama's ass, crap spews out your mouth and ears.