They can have Georgia too.
Georgia is good people, it's the corrupt dems running Atlanta we want out.
Kick out WA, OR, NY and NJ. Tell the rest left that we are making new rules:
1 - Abortion illegal, Planned Parenthood dissolved
2 - Only two genders, male and female
3 - All people are equal, no special treatment because of your gender, race or sexual orientation.
4 - All decisions made by any previous presidents that were involved in a coup to remove the current one, are immediately null and void.
5 - All children required to Pledge Allegiance to the Flag, of the United States of America, every school day.
6 - Media will have to be certified to broadcast its content as news. If media sites/channels cannot meet minimum accuracy requirements, it will be classified as commentary and not eligible for protections and privileges afforded to legitimate media.
If you can abide by these rules, you can stay. However, any current resident that leaves, has to stay gone for a minimum of 10 years. No backsies.
That will flush out the sheep. Give them 10 years to see what their leaders really think of them, then they can come back once they realize the error of their ways.