How many threads have I posted here about the spike

in human trafficking arrests under Trump?

Separate stories, or part of a bigger picture?

The world is changing. Evil is on notice.
How many threads have you posted about about how many illegals have crossed the
border since Trumpy Bear has been in office?
You're so full of chit!
How many threads have you posted that Trumpy Bear
was gonna build a Wall?
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Add to the above, the Trump Administration's tackling the opioid crisis as soon as Trump was inaugurated. Life expectancy was just reported UP in this country, due in part to a DECREASE in opioid deaths, thanks to the work of this administration.

Look at what has happened here:

1 - Human trafficking arrests up sharply
2 - Stronger border security, leading to fewer criminals and drugs flowing into the country
3 - Opioid deaths down, due to #2 in great part.

Any sane person would agree that these are all VERY GOOD THINGS.

Yet certain groups are outraged that the Trump administration is doing these things. Note who these groups are, consider that if they are complaining, do they stand to be HURT by these changes?

This is why I beg all of you to please turn off MSM and do your own research. MSM has no interest in reporting certain stories because they are PART OF THOSE STORIES.

Educate yourselves, don't be sheep.

This is why I give the information once, and move on. Because some people simply don't want to hear facts that go against the story they want to believe.
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Is there a connection to the thousands of sealed indictments you used to post about?

Pure speculation, but I think some of the ones unsealed have related to these areas.

Also note the EO above on seizing property from individuals and corporations and the record number of CEO resignations since that EO was signed.

Sex crimes against children has been a huge focal point of the DOJ since the moment Trump took office. Spike in arrests, the EO above, all that tells me they have seen something...and the sheer number of arrests also tells me this was happening on a massive scale.

Its one of the most significant accomplishments of this administration, and it gets almost no media coverage. Which I also think is curious,
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Oh that’s a switch.

Some of the rumors out there are so horrific that no one wants them to be true. Some concerning certain people that are discussed here on an almost daily basis.

I won't repeat them and won't speculate on them. I will just hope the crimes against the children end and I praise President Trump for pushing for justice against the guilty, as we all should.
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Note the critical thinker asked an intelligent question. Note the dem dismissed cause he thinks this might be something that makes Trump 'look good', so he doesn't want to intelligently consider it.

Regardless, this will continue to be a story that ties into a larger story. Keep watching...
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Add to the above, the Trump Administration's tackling the opioid crisis as soon as Trump was inaugurated. Life expectancy was just reported UP in this country, due in part to a DECREASE in opioid deaths, thanks to the work of this administration.

Look at what has happened here:

1 - Human trafficking arrests up sharply
2 - Stronger border security, leading to fewer criminals and drugs flowing into the country
3 - Opioid deaths down, due to #2 in great part.

Any sane person would agree that these are all VERY GOOD THINGS.

Yet certain groups are outraged that the Trump administration is doing these things. Note who these groups are, consider that if they are complaining, do they stand to be HURT by these changes?

This is why I beg all of you to please turn off MSM and do your own research. MSM has no interest in reporting certain stories because they are PART OF THOSE STORIES.

Educate yourselves, don't be sheep.
Casper, you don't know what your talking about when it comes
to the opioid crisis. Look up the Sackler family and educate
corona virus? Stock market carnage? Mass layoffs?

Nah, you said coronavirus has a 94% recovery rate. Thanks, Trump!

Stock market carnage? Just a buying opportunity you will wish you could have afforded to take advantage of in a few months.

Mass layoffs? Sounds like a dem wet-dream, but fake news.

I know you aren't a fan of critical thinking, but don't you think if your list above was anywhere close to reality, that ANY dem could WALK to the White House in 8 months?

And yet....Trump will win in a landslide. And you will vote for Biden. LMAO!

Of course you do. And you're watching the market go down today with a tingle down your leg that Chris Matthews would envy. Because you think THIS is what will finally get rid of Trump!

The problem you have today is the same one you've always had: No sane person blames Trump for this. And for the rest of the year, the media will try with increasingly frequency to make the case that they should.

And people will tune out the more they do.

The average, intelligent person can tell when the media is trying to politicize something. You cannot.
Maybe some wizard of smart can explain it to me...I understand why FUTURES would be down over the "oil war" between Putin and SA but this should be great news for the regular market...if gas dropped to a 1/gal and plastics became even cheaper this is a win for the consumer as they would have more disposable income and consumerism drives economies!!! I always celebrate when the price of oil/gas goes down IMO this is NEVER a negative for the economy. As for corona yeah it can be fatal but this whole thing is fishy in the reaction we are seeing.
Maybe some wizard of smart can explain it to me...I understand why FUTURES would be down over the "oil war" between Putin and SA but this should be great news for the regular market...if gas dropped to a 1/gal and plastics became even cheaper this is a win for the consumer as they would have more disposable income and consumerism drives economies!!! I always celebrate when the price of oil/gas goes down IMO this is NEVER a negative for the economy. As for corona yeah it can be fatal but this whole thing is fishy in the reaction we are seeing.

The oil war is directed at American shale. Putin and SA just disagreed on whether to pull the trigger. Putin pulled it. As far as the outsize reaction of the markets, it’s because asset prices have been artificially inflated to the point where the price has little relation to any underlying value. I think the term for it is “bubble.”
The oil war is directed at American shale. Putin and SA just disagreed on whether to pull the trigger. Putin pulled it. As far as the outsize reaction of the markets, it’s because asset prices have been artificially inflated to the point where the price has little relation to any underlying value. I think the term for it is “bubble.”

LOL What? No, this is SA going after Russia. American shale is a smaller part of that, but this is the Saudis trying to stick it to Putin, not the US. Please stop getting your information from shit sources that try to politicize every bit of world news to try to hurt Trump.
LOL What? No, this is SA going after Russia. American shale is a smaller part of that, but this is the Saudis trying to stick it to Putin, not the US. Please stop getting your information from shit sources that try to politicize every bit of world news to try to hurt Trump.

unsurprisingly, you have it exactly backward. Saudis wanted to limit production to prop up the price. Putin wouldn’t go along with it.
Maybe some wizard of smart can explain it to me...I understand why FUTURES would be down over the "oil war" between Putin and SA but this should be great news for the regular market...if gas dropped to a 1/gal and plastics became even cheaper this is a win for the consumer as they would have more disposable income and consumerism drives economies!!! I always celebrate when the price of oil/gas goes down IMO this is NEVER a negative for the economy. As for corona yeah it can be fatal but this whole thing is fishy in the reaction we are seeing.

It's great for the consumer, bad for the producers. But the market hates uncertainty, and always goes down.
unsurprisingly, you have it exactly backward. Saudis wanted to limit production to prop up the price. Putin wouldn’t go along with it.

They are flooding the market to try to drive Putin out cause they know he can't match their production levels. You aren't being told that cause your lefty sources are trying to spin it to include American shale to try to say this is a move to hurt the US and we need to stop fracking.

Please stop getting your information from shit sources.
“The Kremlin has decided to sacrifice OPEC+ to stop U.S. shale producers and punish the U.S. for messing with Nord Stream 2,” said Alexander Dynkin, president of the Institute of World Economy and International Relations in Moscow, a state-run think tank. “Of course, to upset Saudi Arabia could be a risky thing, but this is Russia’s strategy at the moment – flexible geometry of interests.”
I said trump was run by Putin. Trump stepped out of line and today Putin delivered the smack down. Classic pimp tactics.

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