Biden is forcing Critical Race Theory on state education systems.
Biden has sent a bill to Congress — the "Civics Secures Democracy Act" (CSDA) — that will allow the Biden administration to force Critical Race Theory (CRT) on every public school in the country. "Over a six-year period," said Stanley Kurtz, senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, in National Review, "this $6 billion pot of competitive grant money will create a de facto national curriculum — just like Common Core. States desperate to tap into the federal gravy train will have to tailor their civics and history grant proposals to the Biden administration's liking. And abundant evidence shows that Biden's Education Department is pushing CRT."
Federal law prohibits the imposition of a curriculum on the states. How is Biden getting around the law? "The strings that Biden's bureaucrats will attach to these massive federal grants will suffice to lure states into adopting CRT," said Kurtz. "If CSDA passes this summer, as its sponsors hope, a Republican victory in the midterms will come too late to prevent the federal imposition of CRT. Biden and his leftist education allies will have control of the nation's curriculum for the remainder of his term — or far longer."
CRT is one of the worst ideas ever invented by the left. CRT preaches that the U.S. is inherently racist, that whites are unrepentantly racist and should be required to atone for their sins, that minorities and women are oppressed by whites and especially by white men, and that white people achieve their economic and political objectives at the expense of non-white people. Tucker Carlson reports that thanks to CRT, students in schools across the country are being coerced to confess that they are flawed if they happen to be white. In effect, says Ben Shapiro, the left wants to portray America as "an incurable mass of bigoted whites."
Under CRT, said Kurtz, "you must supposedly teach about 'systemic racism' and recruit students into Black Lives Matter–style protests for course credit. Instead of motivating civic participation with a message such as 'what a great country — wouldn't you like to get involved?' the new leftist civics aims to lure in 'underserved' students with a new approach: 'Wouldn't you like to join the struggle against America's intrinsic racism and injustice?'"
Critical Race Theory is unapologetically racist. By judging people based on the color of their skin, CRT would destroy the legacy of Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights Movement. As Heather Mac Donald points out in The War on Cops, CRT is also used to justify murder, arson, and looting. Hundreds of American cities and towns were destroyed in 2020 by mobs in the name of social justice.
CRT has been repudiated by respected black figures such as Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele, Bob Woodson, Candace Owens, and Larry Elder. They are unanimous in their agreement that systemic racism and the oppression of blacks are in the past. "Blacks are now the victims of liberalism and wokeism," said Shelby Steele. "That's what's keeping us down, not racism."
We are beginning to see pushback against CRT. A notable example is an Ohio bill to ban CRT in public schools. CSDA would prevent that. "CSDA is the most pernicious federal education legislation I've ever seen," said Kurtz. "Now that it has been reintroduced with token yet still noticeably increased Republican support, there is a very real danger that it could become law."
If he succeeds, Biden will take America down a new path of racial division and political Stalinism.
Now is where @RayGravesGhost and @BSC911 will post an anti-Trump reply. They cannot renounce this because they are not American.
Biden has sent a bill to Congress — the "Civics Secures Democracy Act" (CSDA) — that will allow the Biden administration to force Critical Race Theory (CRT) on every public school in the country. "Over a six-year period," said Stanley Kurtz, senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, in National Review, "this $6 billion pot of competitive grant money will create a de facto national curriculum — just like Common Core. States desperate to tap into the federal gravy train will have to tailor their civics and history grant proposals to the Biden administration's liking. And abundant evidence shows that Biden's Education Department is pushing CRT."
Federal law prohibits the imposition of a curriculum on the states. How is Biden getting around the law? "The strings that Biden's bureaucrats will attach to these massive federal grants will suffice to lure states into adopting CRT," said Kurtz. "If CSDA passes this summer, as its sponsors hope, a Republican victory in the midterms will come too late to prevent the federal imposition of CRT. Biden and his leftist education allies will have control of the nation's curriculum for the remainder of his term — or far longer."
CRT is one of the worst ideas ever invented by the left. CRT preaches that the U.S. is inherently racist, that whites are unrepentantly racist and should be required to atone for their sins, that minorities and women are oppressed by whites and especially by white men, and that white people achieve their economic and political objectives at the expense of non-white people. Tucker Carlson reports that thanks to CRT, students in schools across the country are being coerced to confess that they are flawed if they happen to be white. In effect, says Ben Shapiro, the left wants to portray America as "an incurable mass of bigoted whites."
Under CRT, said Kurtz, "you must supposedly teach about 'systemic racism' and recruit students into Black Lives Matter–style protests for course credit. Instead of motivating civic participation with a message such as 'what a great country — wouldn't you like to get involved?' the new leftist civics aims to lure in 'underserved' students with a new approach: 'Wouldn't you like to join the struggle against America's intrinsic racism and injustice?'"
Critical Race Theory is unapologetically racist. By judging people based on the color of their skin, CRT would destroy the legacy of Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights Movement. As Heather Mac Donald points out in The War on Cops, CRT is also used to justify murder, arson, and looting. Hundreds of American cities and towns were destroyed in 2020 by mobs in the name of social justice.
CRT has been repudiated by respected black figures such as Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele, Bob Woodson, Candace Owens, and Larry Elder. They are unanimous in their agreement that systemic racism and the oppression of blacks are in the past. "Blacks are now the victims of liberalism and wokeism," said Shelby Steele. "That's what's keeping us down, not racism."
We are beginning to see pushback against CRT. A notable example is an Ohio bill to ban CRT in public schools. CSDA would prevent that. "CSDA is the most pernicious federal education legislation I've ever seen," said Kurtz. "Now that it has been reintroduced with token yet still noticeably increased Republican support, there is a very real danger that it could become law."
If he succeeds, Biden will take America down a new path of racial division and political Stalinism.
Now is where @RayGravesGhost and @BSC911 will post an anti-Trump reply. They cannot renounce this because they are not American.