Hey bsc, you clowns still trying to do #BoycottTuckerCarlson to get him off the air?

Dont know about Tucker but when Beck was shown the door he began grossing 3+M a month with his Blaze network. Now it sputtered and he joined Levin/CRTV to form BlazeTV which charges 3x his old network.

It has Levin, Beck, Crowder, The Duck Commander. Steve Deace, Eric Boling, Chad Prather, Wilkow and Kibbe

It has easy on they eyes:
Candace Owens, Lauren Chen, Allie Beth Stuckey.

Heck only people I watch, and its rare, on Fox are Carlson and Baier.

Keep running off top talent over PC and they will become extinct.

I am not getting paid LOL....check out 30 day free trail:
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First TV has Dana Loesch.

Beck lost his audience when him and his two flunkies went all in on bashing Trump. They bet Trump wouldn't win and lost. Bigly. But I never watched him anyway, his conspiracy theories and all but crying on air every day about how we might not make it to see the next year got really old really fast.