Heartbreak for the dems: Trump doing wonderfully, working away at Walter Reed


Ring of Honor
Oct 1, 2012

His doctors issued a statement late last night saying he was doing wonderfully, no fever for 24 hours, wasn't on oxygen, wasn't about to die as media is breathlessly reporting.

I saw Mollie Hemmingway say on Twitter that we have never needed the media to give us information we can trust more than we do right now, and they have never been less-equipped for the task.
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BTW Hiden had a golden opportunity fall in his lap, and he couldn't take advantage. As soon as it was announced on late Thursday night that Trump was sick, Hiden should have started campaigning like a madman. He should have been doing 2-3 stops every day, minimum.

Media would have run with it like wildfire. "Hiden campaigning nonstop while Trump lays in bed!'

But instead, Hiden is the one laying in bed all day, every day. This, more than anything, proves he's all but completely incapacitated.
Trump should hang back several more days imho. For dudes his age this is no joke. He can campaign from where he is.