Has CNN played the Larry King clip of Tara Reade's late mother calling in

Saw a mention that the episode was for sale in the Google Play store up till a few days ago, and has since been pulled.
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What happened to "we must believe the women"? That Ford chick lied more than the dems here, but we were told we had to accept her claims without question....even after people that knew her admitted she was lying.

This is why no one trusts or respects dems. What were the dems here saying during Kavanaugh? The usual trolls were claiming Ford was telling the truth, right? Kavanaugh had to step down and if he didn't should be impeached, right?

What are those same posters saying about Biden now? Anything?

What a coincidence.

I look at the polls just as I did in 2016. Thinking Dimms are realizing Joe must make an appearance before election day. Questions are coming.

Sure, ignore all polls based on one data point. Not a very intelligent thing to do.

And the polls were correct overall and within the margin of error for closely contested states. But you probably don’t understand that concept.
Been away all day and was wondering. I know during the Kavanaugh hearings, "the woman must be believed" was the daily drumbeat. Ok. Let's believe THIS woman. No? Why not? Because it doesn't fit the agenda. Oh, now I get it.
Stormy Daniels and her Porn Lawyer were totally endorsed by the Dims/media until they were caught in a big lie and ruled against in a court of law.
That is one ugly woman. Reason enough to believe she is lying.
Looks are all that matters when seeking justice. An unattractive female/male has never been sexually assaulted in the history of mankind. o_O
Maybe not, but it does cast doubt on her claim that she was assaulted because she was so good looking. I call BS on that one.

Let's be honest, Biden has sniffed the hair of far uglier women.

But wait...."We must believe the woman!" has been amended to "We must believe the woman....unless she's been assaulted by our presidential nominee, then she's an ugly skank that can't be trusted!"

Democrats have absolutely no moral compass.
Looks matter to him? He's fondling 13 year old girls. A deadbeat grandpa with a son who's a deadbeat dad.
He’s just old school. A lot of grandpas tend to fondle little girls. Is an age thing. Harmless.
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Looks matter to him? He's fondling 13 year old girls. A deadbeat grandpa with a son who's a deadbeat dad.

Where's the video of Sessions shooing him away from his granddaughter who was 5 or 6 at the time and Biden dove at her like a side of beef and Sessions put the block on it.

Everyone knows who and what Biden is. Dems don't care cause you have to have morals to care.
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Where's the video of Sessions shooing him away from his granddaughter who was 5 or 6 at the time and Biden dove at her like a side of beef and Sessions put the block on it.

Everyone knows who and what Biden is. Dems don't care cause you have to have morals to care.
This Trump lover talking about morals. Thats the funniest thing I've ever heard. How's Stormey?
This Trump lover talking about morals. Thats the funniest thing I've ever heard. How's Stormey?
How's the former "independent"/leftist hero, Creepy Porn Lawyer? You once worshipped him.
We only voted Trump for President, not a minister. We could care less what he does in his personal life. Now Bath House Barry hanging out at the Mans Country Bathhouse, we find it amusing. So how's Larry Sinclair?
How's the former "independent"/leftist hero, Creepy Porn Lawyer? You once worshipped him.
We only voted Trump for President, not a minister. We could care less what he does in his personal life. Now Bath House Barry hanging out at the Mans Country Bathhouse, we find it amusing. So how's Larry Sinclair?

Remember when the sheep loved them some Avennati and thought he was gonna be their pick for President?

Absolutely no morals. Shameful people indeed.
Remember when the sheep loved them some Avennati and thought he was gonna be their pick for President?

Absolutely no morals. Shameful people indeed.
MS-13 gang members as well. too funny