sadgator’s Catholic…but not a good one…and we have issues…
That wasn't intended as an insult. Even if you weren't, you still have time to get right with God.
Some of the comments I've read in this thread and others are just short of heart-breaking. I don't know how some people can call themselves a Christian and have such a flippant attitude toward God.
Actually I think I do, they simply have a poor relationship with God.
God helps those who help themselves. A big part of us helping ourselves is listening to God, and acting as He instructs us to.
When God sees we are making changes in our daily lives to live more like Christ, I believe He becomes a bigger part of our lives. Blessings become more common.
But when we distance ourselves from God, when we say we are Christians, but don't act as He tells us to, then I think we get fewer of those blessings.
It's like any other relationship, you have to be committed to it, and give before you can expect to get.
I heard a pastor recently that summed it up this way, he said that so many people ask God for help. Give me something. They want a transactional relationship with God. God, you give me blessings, I will sing your praises.
The pastor said you should ask for blessings, so that you can GIVE more blessings to others. When God sees you are giving to others, then He will give to you.
Something to think about. And don't feel bad about not being a good Catholic, I think there are many here who are in the same boat. We all have time to do better,
But none of us have forever. Make good while you can.