Pass, what's the over/under on how many threads will be started on this topic today?
I'm fairly sure that at least
I had refreshed the "Gator Sports Forum" page in my browser when I learned the news about Grier being suspended.
So if anyone who'd started an earlier thread about Grier being suspended had done so with a "
Thread Title" in a style that's
anything like an
informative headline, then our moderators would've been spared from seeing me start my first thread here in a few months. But then they wouldn't have
this thread available for posting remarks that seem to be disparaging, um, the cluefulness of Florida members.
Here's more-or-less what I saw before starting this thread:
- "Rules are rules - We aren't FSU": It expresses a nobly unifying principle, but its title gives no indication that the thread contains anything about the Gator QB who started against Mizzou.
- "NCAA rules.....": Likewise.
- "Treon and LSU": Maybe a lament by a Treon partisan, but obviously not about Grier.
- "Grier" by "steven orr": A thread that looks practically identical to the popular thread "Grier..." that'd already been started by Oozie--so close to identical that in my haste to get the news out, I might not have noticed the mere "..." difference.
later, I
did see that "steven orr" actually beat me by a few
hours in announcing the exasperating news, but his excessively terse title provided
no compelling reason to click on the thread he started.
If you're inclined to merge the later thread I started, with the hours-earlier thread by "steven orr", I won't object, as long as you use my
informative headline on the resulting thread.