Opps that's right, you get your information from lefty ie 'progressive' media, so you have no idea who Seth Rich was.
Seth Rich was a DNC staffer and huge Bernie Sanders supporter. He was killed in what was described as a 'robbery', but the criminals left his wallet and other possessions on his body.
The theory is that he was so upset at how the dems were rigging the primaries and Super Delgates against Bernie that he leaked info from the DNC servers to Julian Assange, who published it on Wikleaks.
The videos above confirm the information from the DNC servers was taken locally and that Seth Rich was in contact with Wikileaks.
@BSC911 I was willing to entertain the idea that Seth didn't hack the DNC server, but that info that says he was confirmed to have emailed Wikileaks is pretty convincing, don't you think?
Either way, we know it wasn't the Russians over the internet LOL