And you'll hear nothing about it from CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, Wash Post and the NYT. Doesn't fit what they were hoping for.
This is where you separate the sheep from the morons.
Sheep - Someone who is gullible, who thinks emotionally instead of critically. They aren't idiots, but they are asleep. Willingly.
Moron - Someone who cannot function at anything above a marginal intelligence level.
Now sheep have bought into the MSM narratives about this country and our President. They swallow most everything CNN and the New York Times tells them. Without question.
However...there are certain things that even sheep can agree are good for the country.
- The economy doing well is good for the country. Even sheep can see this.
- Terrorist groups being defeated and/or eliminated is good for the country. Even sheep can see this.
- Trade deals that bring more jobs, better products and lower prices is good for the country. Even sheep can see this.
- Stopping the flow of drugs into this country and prosecuting human traffickers is a good thing for this country. Even sheep can see this.
Even sheep can agree that all these things are GOOD for the country. Anyone with common sense can see that.
However, the MSM almost never covers any of this when it happens. So even a sheep, at some point, has to see that if the MSM isn't covering news that they KNOW is GOOD for the country....then they go from being sheep to being morons if they continue to swallow what that media tells them.
Every day a few more sheep wake up. Sadly, it seems the flow hasn't reached those on this board yet, but there's still time.