So now it's the size of the country. Always some excuse for our Billionaire overlords.Forget the Denmark dream for the U. S. Denmark has a population of 5.8 million.
How bout the factors that go into no social safety nets for an aging population or help for the disabled. Good luck f*ckers! You will need it!Agent Orange, please give a shot trying to explain all the factors that go into socialism. As you know, coherent debate with some here is completely beyond my reach.
How bout the factors that go into no social safety nets for an aging population or help for the disabled. Good luck f*ckers! You will need it!
Agent Orange, please give a shot trying to explain all the factors that go into socialism. As you know, coherent debate with some here is completely beyond my reach.
The average income in America is 60,000.How about the factors of where US politicians have allowed social INsecurity to languish in debt to trillions of dollars and for two parties that claim to be "for the people"...neither have done anything...well, the dems have...after all, Hilluree said (paraphrased)..."we will $tregthen social security"...code for "we're gonna raise the hell out of your taxes and still find many ways to waste your tax dollars and keep having to have debt ceiling raises leading to government shutdowns...which of course, we can blame on the republican party."
But since the democratic party is one of the two parties that happen to be pro-war, wasting money, running huge deficits,pleasing their donor$...we expect little from the dems...and that's basically what we have received.
I see @urtren may need to up his dosage of Midol...wonder if the Preparation H Wipes are helping him.
Agent Orange
I'll take a jab at your question, @BamaFan1137...I see the answer to your question is of two parts: yes, Denmark's socialist style of governance could work here easily...anything, capitalism could work here in the USA if properly implemented and the rules were actually followed...and no, Danish style socialism would not work here as there are too many millions of people too welfare dependent...too many millions of all races who could work but refuse to who are more concerned with screwing over Uncle Sam for past grievances...I will say this for present...Denmark is more homogeneous than we (the USA) is for the most part so their style of taxation-governance works well in Denmark but I don't believe it could work here...due to demographics.
If I were to decide to leave the USA...with where I have traveled/visited...Switzerland would be the obvious choice...the next choice from what I've read about and studied about would be Iceland...Switzerland is serious about being Swiss...and I like that.
Agent Orange
Maybe when you are 90 lying in a pool of your own shi* in a hovel they allow you to die in, just maybe they will send you another fundraising email.
Denmark has an account surplus in trade, has large amounts of oil and is a creditor nation...Translation outside sources of "income" allow 6 million people to have a government subsidized lifestyle via heavy taxation on that easy money.
These small countries can bring in enough outside income to prop up there welfare states...330M people well hmmm if we could export enough sh&t to China and India maybe we could do it. But you have to have a group larger than the recipients in actual physical numbers to make this stuff work...its math
Now do kleptocracy, because that's what we are in today. No fairness, everything rigged to the wealthy and connected, the wealthy squashing the American dream that got them there out of pure greed.Denmark has an account surplus in trade, has large amounts of oil and is a creditor nation...Translation outside sources of "income" allow 6 million people to have a government subsidized lifestyle via heavy taxation on that easy money.
These small countries can bring in enough outside income to prop up there welfare states...330M people well hmmm if we could export enough sh&t to China and India maybe we could do it. But you have to have a group larger than the recipients in actual physical numbers to make this stuff work...its math
This is stupid as hell. Nobody is talking about taxing regular earnings at a higher rate. Those that actually do the work are taxed to hell.Can one educate an imbecile raised on envy and covetousness? I dunno.
1. what was the GDP in current dollars in 1969 vs today?
2.thought exercise: You, John and I live in the boonies and are neighbors. John and I hate you because you are a douche. We live in your utopian paradise and all make $100 over our needs per month. Anything over that is taxed at 90% to make it a more equal society. You break your freaking leg because you are a dumb@ss.
Codes aka gubmint regulators are on your @ss to cut your grass. Now DC aint doing it because he waits on the third letter from codes before he does his own d@mn yard. The fine is $1200 in libtard utopia. So John is available and he cuts grass for a living.
Great! Except he shuts down after the 15th of the month because any extra income is taxed at 90% . You offer him your entire $100 but he says NO WAY. not for $10 after tax you douche. Ah but a deal is to be had ...If you buy $500 worth of Jack Daniels and give it to him he will cut your yard. But that blows your fun money and now John has more wealth than you as he keeps his $500 over the next five months but yours is gone...well d@amn so much for utopia.
Now do kleptocracy, because that's what we are in today. No fairness, everything rigged to the wealthy and connected, the wealthy squashing the American dream that got them there out of pure greed.
I don't give a damn if someone is a Billionaire, I just want them to pay every bit of the 39.5% of tax I have to. I can't cheat, manipulate or shuffle my way out of jack shi*.
Why am I paying a lower rate than every billionaire/punk wall street bitch or hedge bro that contributes ZERO to the economy?
This economy is consumer driven. The American consumer fuels the globe. The rich? Horde, manipulate, suppress.
You know why 130 CEOs promised to be better citizens? Fear. Fear of a rising tide of millions of pissed off consumers and middle class laborers just like me tired of being cheated.
Wealth worship is over. Fairness, equality is rising as the driving concern amongst those who actually give a shi* about their families' futures.
Enjoy the show
So now it's the size of the country. Always some excuse for our Billionaire overlords.
Good lapdogs! Keep it up! Maybe when you are 90 lying in a pool of your own shi* in a hovel they allow you to die in, just maybe they will send you another fundraising email.
Agent Orange said, "You're a smart guy, obviously..."
Agent Orange feeble attempt at humor? Next we'll hear AOC and Omar are smart girls?
Is Agent Orange throwing a bone for his very low level of success in getting through where the rest of us fell?
We have cities with more population than that. pitiful.Forget the Denmark dream for the U. S. Denmark has a population of 5.8 million.
Nein, Herr Indianer...I haven't gotten through to anyone...not @urtren either...I don't suppose I've ever changed anyone's mind about much of anything.
Agent Orange
We have cities with more population than that. pitiful.
Now do kleptocracy, because that's what we are in today. No fairness, everything rigged to the wealthy and connected, the wealthy squashing the American dream that got them there out of pure greed.
I don't give a damn if someone is a Billionaire, I just want them to pay every bit of the 39.5% of tax I have to. I can't cheat, manipulate or shuffle my way out of jack shi*.
Why am I paying a lower rate than every billionaire/punk wall street bitch or hedge bro that contributes ZERO to the economy?
This economy is consumer driven. The American consumer fuels the globe. The rich? Horde, manipulate, suppress.
You know why 130 CEOs promised to be better citizens? Fear. Fear of a rising tide of millions of pissed off consumers and middle class laborers just like me tired of being cheated.
Wealth worship is over. Fairness, equality is rising as the driving concern amongst those who actually give a shi* about their families' futures.
Enjoy the show
Greenland, here I come.To Denmark's possible advantage...I bet they do not have rat and feces infested such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Baltimore...if I had the choice of those three cities or Denmark...Denmark, here I come!
Agent Orange