Fascinating question: Why haven't we seen commercials encouraging us to take one of the vaccines?


Ring of Honor
Oct 1, 2012
Saw this posted on Twitter. Someone made the point that they aren't advertising the vaccines because if they do, by law they have to list the POTENTIAL SIDE AFFECTS of taking the vaccine. And they don't want that getting out.

Sharyl Attkisson chimed in and said this wasn't correct, they HAVE advertised the vaccines, just not the brand name (J&J, Phfizer, Moderna, etc).

Apparently if they promote one of the BRANDS of vaccine, they are required to list the POTENTIAL SIDE AFFECTS.

And they don't want the public to know about those.

Wish we have some lawyers or doctors here who put morals over party and who could chime in on this.
BTW what Trump (Or anyone on the right who can, really) should do is start running PSAs showing people who have been vaccinated and the reactions and pain they are suffering from. ran a liberal puff piece with a doctor claiming that the doctor is tired of having covid patients who are about to die beg them for a vaccine. And she has to tell them its too late they will have to die.

We need PSAs that show the other side of the story (I suspect the doc's take is made up, it's after all), there are many videos of people shaking controllably and in agony as a result of the vaccine.

And sadly, some do die as a result.

There are risks to taking the vaccine, there are risks to not taking it. But we are only hearing about the risks to not taking, and those are being over-sensationalized to the point of insanity.
Saw this posted on Twitter. Someone made the point that they aren't advertising the vaccines because if they do, by law they have to list the POTENTIAL SIDE AFFECTS of taking the vaccine. And they don't want that getting out.

Sharyl Attkisson chimed in and said this wasn't correct, they HAVE advertised the vaccines, just not the brand name (J&J, Phfizer, Moderna, etc).

Apparently if they promote one of the BRANDS of vaccine, they are required to list the POTENTIAL SIDE AFFECTS.

And they don't want the public to know about those.

Wish we have some lawyers or doctors here who put morals over party and who could chime in on this.
That is why the FDA will not approve it unless they list all the side effects.
BTW what Trump (Or anyone on the right who can, really) should do is start running PSAs showing people who have been vaccinated and the reactions and pain they are suffering from. ran a liberal puff piece with a doctor claiming that the doctor is tired of having covid patients who are about to die beg them for a vaccine. And she has to tell them its too late they will have to die.

We need PSAs that show the other side of the story (I suspect the doc's take is made up, it's after all), there are many videos of people shaking controllably and in agony as a result of the vaccine.

And sadly, some do die as a result.

There are risks to taking the vaccine, there are risks to not taking it. But we are only hearing about the risks to not taking, and those are being over-sensationalized to the point of insanity.
There have been several papers and studies that have been rescinded that didn't follow the "correct" message.

The hypothesis by a division on the NIH about the harm masks do, and more recently the peer reviewed German study published in JAMA Pediatrics about how much grows on masks and how they can lower O2 levels in kids was also disappeared.

I guess we can only believe in Science if Science follows the liberal agenda.
Saw this posted on Twitter. Someone made the point that they aren't advertising the vaccines because if they do, by law they have to list the POTENTIAL SIDE AFFECTS of taking the vaccine. And they don't want that getting out.

Sharyl Attkisson chimed in and said this wasn't correct, they HAVE advertised the vaccines, just not the brand name (J&J, Phfizer, Moderna, etc).

Apparently if they promote one of the BRANDS of vaccine, they are required to list the POTENTIAL SIDE AFFECTS.

And they don't want the public to know about those.

Wish we have some lawyers or doctors here who put morals over party and who could chime in on this.
Can you imagine the list of side affects? An auctioneer would need a full minute to complete the broadcast. 🤣
The vaccine is likely safe, but so is covid, soooooooooo.... you do the maff.
Can you imagine the list of side affects? An auctioneer would need a full minute to complete the broadcast. 🤣
the FDA doesn't care about side-effects they only ask that you display them. They are the most corrupt agency in the federal government outside of the IRS.
$$$$$$$ and Liability risk.
If I understand the law, that liability doesn't apply as long as the vaccines are EUA.

If so, that helps explain why there is the massive push to get everyone vaccinated BEFORE they are FDA approved.

Do we have any of our medical experts here who have broached this topic?
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