Exclamation Marks: do women undermine themselves?

Apr 7, 2010
Why do you think you need this extra punctuation?
Emerick says that before sending emails, young professional women should get in the habit of asking themselves WHY they are using emoticons, exclamation points, and "haha's" in emails. Are you intimidated by the recipient? Are you unsure of the answer to their question? Are you trying to over-compensate for something? Are you trying to make them like you?Tweet, Tweet: You want the email to be concise
Think about work email the way you'd think of Tweeting, says Emerick: Imagine you are limited to 140 characters and must boil it down to ONLY what's important. When thinking like this, emoticons, "haha's" and !!!!!'s often add more confusion?and characters?to the message.Are you trying to hide behind punctuation?
Emerick says, "I love a good :) as much as the next girl, and I do believe there are times where they can add personality. What I am NOT a fan of is using them as a bandaid or distraction from a serious email that may not be easy to write." Removing the smiley faces and "LOLs" from your emails may feel scary or too direct at first, but it's important to get comfortable with being direct sooner, rather than later, in your career.
Are you comfortable taking of the training wheels of excessive punctuation? Why or why not?[/I][/B]