What's even more amazing is that UF only fields 19 sports teams - 11 women's and 8 men's. If you consider indoor and outdoor track as 2 separate sports, we have 21 teams. For compiling the Director's Cup standings they use the 19 sports in which the school has done the best. So Florida has very little margin for error. Stanford, as an example, fields 36 sports teams, so they can eliminate 17 teams that don't do well and only count their 19 best. Michigan & North Carolina have 27 teams, UCLA 25, Georgia 23, Tennessee, FSU & Texas A&M have 20. Add 2 to each for separate indoor and outdoor track teams. Huge disadvantage for Florida and yet we have the success we do. Truly incredible. And I think we should look at adding more sports, most of which would be fairly inexpensive, like men's soccer and men's lacrosse, beach volleyball, rowing, rifle shooting and water polo. Football is the engine that drives the train and adequate money should be spent there to keep us with elite facilities, something we have fallen behind on the last decade or so. But at THE University of Florida we can and should have it all. Gooo Gators!!