I agree there will be nothing done but there will be something coming.It’s boring. There is absolutely nothing coming. Zero zilch nada. The entire Russia, Collusion, Impeachment, Origins, any of it, both sides...nonsense...DOA...
But please keep it up...
Wrong, Ghost. The libs believe making a fool of one's champion is an impeachable offense.
Donald Trump
barrack obama
Who will be successfully impeached first?
So let's review....
The Sec of State set up a server in her house and she used that server to send and receive classified information. Including from the President, who lied about it. Libs had no problem with any of it.
Now we are finding out that there was a 'backdoor' installed on the server so the emails were automatically SENT TO A CHINESE EMAIL ACCOUNT.
Libs still don't see what the issue is.
Same libs that think President Trump should be impeached because the economy is too good.
I believe impeachment requires a sitting president, so probably not Obama.
That is not what the story says.
I care.Just a reminder that I've told @sadgator @bradleygator @urtren @BSC911 that DECLAS was coming for over a year here.
You guys are so blessed, my posts literally give you a glimpse into the future.
Spoiler alert: This is nothing. What's coming NEXT is even bigger.
Keep watching...
It’s boring. There is absolutely nothing coming. Zero zilch nada. The entire Russia, Collusion, Impeachment, Origins, any of it, both sides...nonsense...DOA...
But please keep it up...
They lapped it all up when they were spending 30+ million tax dollars and wasting 2 years on their investigation, and then a totally fraudulent partisan attempt at Impeachment. The whole time the leftist propaganda lame stream media was on it 24-7-365 with their Fake News claims and outright lies.
But now that Trump was proven to have ZERO collusion with Russia, and that it was really Biden that was engaged in Quid-Pro-Co and Bribery, while Hunter was being given Millions to buy influence with Joe, it's now boring and a non-issue.
~~ TYPICAL Dim-Moe-Rats with their clueless/evil Libtard followers....
The only thing this thread demonstrates is that over a year ago somebody was saying “boom” ....
and over a year later...yep...you guessed it...still “booming”...and of course....
nothing has come...
....in false basis prosecutions
you mean the ones where people were actually charged and convicted?
lol...you guys are awesome...
It's really unbelievable.
How can you even suggest a defense from what was revealed? Truth sometimes can slap you in the face, knock you to your knees and still you act like nothing hit you. What does it take for you and all who are like you to admit the wrongdoing that has occurred. Proof is slapping you in the face and you still want to ignore it. With reports like this, how can anyone support the side of corruption? Explain it to me, because I want to know how you so easily sweep your moral system right under the rug.Well, at least one statement you made is accurate...
How can you even suggest a defense from what was revealed? Truth sometimes can slap you in the face, knock you to your knees and still you act like nothing hit you. What does it take for you and all who are like you to admit the wrongdoing that has occurred. Proof is slapping you in the face and you still want to ignore it. With reports like this, how can anyone support the side of corruption? Explain it to me, because I want to know how you so easily sweep your moral system right under the rug.
The Marxist-Communist-Socialists and embedded corrupt Federal bureaucrats are on the same team. The former use the latter to keep the useful idiots aka proletariat in line. Everyone is either a prole or part of the oligarchy. There is no middle class - Bourgeoisie.Which happens first?
A civil war between the Constitutional Patriots and the Marxist-Communist-Socialists,,,
or a revolution against the embedded corrupt Federal bureaucrats?
Both things seem to be needed at this point....
Only Trump and Barrett can save us from the serfdom of a collectivist Utopia where we are forced to work for a leftist vision of the "common good."
And that's where you are wrong. It's like the NRA doesn't protect MY 2nd Amendment for me, I and my fellow American citizens do that for ourselves.
There are literally millions of us that have taken a lifetime sacred oath, and we will abide by it if forced to, God forbid....
FREEDOM is not FREE, and it never has been.... 🤓
This is political theater being served up to appease Trump’s base who are upset that the “Russia Hoax” investigation is a flop. How do you not see through this?
How come every time you make a post claiming “something” it amounts to “nothing?”
Posted by Q over two years ago:
"We have the server(s)"
@sadgator you starting to understand why I never wasted my time trying to convince you of whats coming?