This must be some of Nails "Posse"
Twelve so called constitutional conservatives voted against
Trumpy Bears wall because they thought it was an expansive
grab of executive power. YEA!, you Repubes hold your heads
up high with pride. Maybe one day you Constitutional
conservatives just might figure out you're being played like
the little bitches that you allowed yourselves to become. Where are
all you "Critical Thinkers" at when YOUR party of Constitutional
Conservatives turns their back on you? Go back and talk about your
soap opera stories. Allow yourselves to be EASILY distracted with
Hallmark channel stories and lifetime channel plots. One last thing.
Please don't use the word RINO.
What is that word i'm searching for............. "REDEMPTION" being saved from evil or should i have said the lesser of TWO evils.
Twelve so called constitutional conservatives voted against
Trumpy Bears wall because they thought it was an expansive
grab of executive power. YEA!, you Repubes hold your heads
up high with pride. Maybe one day you Constitutional
conservatives just might figure out you're being played like
the little bitches that you allowed yourselves to become. Where are
all you "Critical Thinkers" at when YOUR party of Constitutional
Conservatives turns their back on you? Go back and talk about your
soap opera stories. Allow yourselves to be EASILY distracted with
Hallmark channel stories and lifetime channel plots. One last thing.
Please don't use the word RINO.
What is that word i'm searching for............. "REDEMPTION" being saved from evil or should i have said the lesser of TWO evils.