@College gameday, no one belives u


Bull Gator
Jul 29, 2014
Trying to insinuate that FCS players are just as good as fbs lol oh Jameis that was a good laff
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The good FCS teams have a couple of guys who are as good as those on most FBS teams. The big difference is the number of quality players and the depth at all the positions. The proof of that is to look at the FCS players who get drafted every year by the NFL. The QB for the Eagles, Carson Wentz, is from North Dakota St., for example.
They do...just not as many.

Note...Junior colleges have elite players too. Cam Newton for example was pretty good.
Ocala is right. The top fcs teams have a handful of kids that can play at the fbs level. But they lack the depth.
Ocala is right. The top fcs teams have a handful of kids that can play at the fbs level. But they lack the depth.

Most of thise came from fbs level. The guy said he would take fcs over fbs because of the "chip on their shoulder" stfu. Talent wins