CNN and MSNBC will not even cover Seattle mayor planning to dismantle CHOP


Gator Great
Jul 5, 2001
Neither CBS or NBC even mentioned the shootings inside CHOP on their nightly broadcast. This sounds like Russia or Red China or North Korea with their coverage or actually non coverage.

I never ever thought media could get like this in the United States. Certainly the fruit of decades of liberal education or indoctrination in colleges and universities and then news rooms all across the country.
Neither CBS or NBC even mentioned the shootings inside CHOP on their nightly broadcast. This sounds like Russia or Red China or North Korea with their coverage or actually non coverage.

I never ever thought media could get like this in the United States. Certainly the fruit of decades of liberal education or indoctrination in colleges and universities and then news rooms all across the country.

Tbey only report #Fakenews not real news.
They are well paid for their non-coverage. :mad:

When will the Federal Government ban money from communist countries going to what's left of the American 'Free' press? The communist countries have no problems banning or controlling what comes in or is published in their own countries, while their propaganda is streamed daily in America. IDIOCY!!!

The Lame Stream Fake News Media is now bought and paid for by China and others... o_O
Neither CBS or NBC even mentioned the shootings inside CHOP on their nightly broadcast. This sounds like Russia or Red China or North Korea with their coverage or actually non coverage.

I never ever thought media could get like this in the United States. Certainly the fruit of decades of liberal education or indoctrination in colleges and universities and then news rooms all across the country.
The media is an enemy of the state. Despicable.