Chip Roy dropping Truth Bombs on moderates


Gator Great
May 16, 2023
I guess it got too spicy in the other Thread where Hakeem Jeffries thanked Republicans for passing the lefts agenda.

Damn, I missed it.

Back to the porch we go.

As for Joes agenda, A special shout out to the moderates for helping him get everything he wanted. Nice work.

As for those blaming Gaetz….

I will let Chip tell you whose fault it is…

Hint: it’s not America First and Matt Gaetzz

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I guess it got too spicy in the other Thread where Hakeem Jeffries thanked Republicans for passing the lefts agenda.

Damn, I missed it.

Back to the porch we go.

As for Joes agenda, A special shout out to the moderates for helping him get everything he wanted. Nice work.

As for those blaming Gaetz….

I will let Chip tell you whose fault it is…

Hint: it’s not America First and Matt Gaetzz

He’s become a fundraising loudmouth IMO and I don’t care who objects to that.
Here’s the sad part. We have people that are supposedly on the Right, that are upset at Matt Gaetz for helping oust a speaker that literally broke the rules he agreed to adhere to, so that he could become speaker.

So people are angry at Gaetz, for doing the very thing, that most wanted from Congress. Which is follow rules that Congress should be following. The very thing that many posters here, have been clamoring for.

You know, ousting pubs that are corrupt, and don’t adhere to their own bylaws and ideology.

We gotta stop thinking “our side” in charge is what matters. What matters is our constitution, congressional guidelines being adhered to, and principles.

Too often we close our eyes when our side does the same nonsense that gets complaints when “the other side” does similar.

I got no problem with someone not liking a politician. But I do have a problem with folks getting angry with Gaetz, after clamoring to get rid of Rinos that don’t uphold the Constitution, follow rules, and represent their constituents. Either support the Rinos, or support getting rid of them.

But you cannot have it both ways.
MTG doing the work of the people instead of the donors. Doing the work most here have been screaming for. Yet here we are….allowing the media to win the narrative and twist some of us into pretzels. The psyop via the media is good at what they do.

No compromise!!!

MTG doing the work of the people instead of the donors. Doing the work most here have been screaming for. Yet here we are….allowing the media to win the narrative and twist some of us into pretzels. The psyop via the media is good at what they do.

No compromise!!!

I laugh at our enemy (democrats) for calling her bat chit crazy ...while overlooking Maxine Waters, Swallowswell, Adam schit, Nadler, and the rest of the people who hate America like they do! LOL
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Here’s the sad part. We have people that are supposedly on the Right, that are upset at Matt Gaetz for helping oust a speaker that literally broke the rules he agreed to adhere to, so that he could become speaker.

So people are angry at Gaetz, for doing the very thing, that most wanted from Congress. Which is follow rules that Congress should be following. The very thing that many posters here, have been clamoring for.

You know, ousting pubs that are corrupt, and don’t adhere to their own bylaws and ideology.

We gotta stop thinking “our side” in charge is what matters. What matters is our constitution, congressional guidelines being adhered to, and principles.

Too often we close our eyes when our side does the same nonsense that gets complaints when “the other side” does similar.

I got no problem with someone not liking a politician. But I do have a problem with folks getting angry with Gaetz, after clamoring to get rid of Rinos that don’t uphold the Constitution, follow rules, and represent their constituents. Either support the Rinos, or support getting rid of them.

But you cannot have it both ways.
Politics is about results. My problem with all of this is that we didnt have the numbers and the angles. The Art of War would not have you invade an enemy camp without the numbers and the element of suprise. We dont have either one.
Politics is about results. My problem with all of this is that we didnt have the numbers and the angles. The Art of War would not have you invade an enemy camp without the numbers and the element of suprise. We dont have either one.

Don’t disagree entirely, but you’re NEVER going to get the numbers without ousting those Rinos that legislate with the left. And again, if you have a Republican majority that has sided with the left on just about everything the left wanted anyway…then you didn’t have a majority. Even during times when the right had larger majorities.

The reckoning and ousting of the weeds in the Republican party had/has to happen. Is there ever a good time?
Don’t disagree entirely, but you’re NEVER going to get the numbers without ousting those Rinos that legislate with the left. And again, if you have a Republican majority that has sided with the left on just about everything the left wanted anyway…then you didn’t have a majority. Even during times when the right had larger majorities.

The reckoning and ousting of the weeds in the Republican party had/has to happen. Is there ever a good time?
As you know, I kind of think this is small potatoes. I still vote and everything, but I dont think voting and politicians of any stripe is going to get the job done here. Even at that, I think was the wrong angle to take. They should have just oppsosed everything, dug in and resisted...and waited out the 2 years and tried to get a bigger majority ( no ousting of leadership). The real battle lines are no longer in Congress or the White House. The other side is willing to riot, loot, burn...whatever it takes. Our most rebellious are taking votes on the House floor. Not gonna get the job done. We have to get our people to a Christian church on a weekly basis. We need to be having 4-5 children per household while they abort and castrate their own. Remove the screens from our childrens lives. Practice at being good at violence (self defense only, of course)
MTG doing the work of the people instead of the donors. Doing the work most here have been screaming for. Yet here we are….allowing the media to win the narrative and twist some of us into pretzels. The psyop via the media is good at what they do.

No compromise!!!

Her actions are fine, the timing is terrible.

If they oust the speaker we'll end up with more RINO's stepping down and Jeffries as the speaker. Dems would have a majority in all 3 branches.

He could pass a bill - that the Senate would confirm - that could keep "insurrectionists" from taking the WH and thereby giving them a leg to stand on to not certify a Trump win.

Play the game but play the long game.
Her actions are fine, the timing is terrible.

If they oust the speaker we'll end up with more RINO's stepping down and Jeffries as the speaker. Dems would have a majority in all 3 branches.

He could pass a bill - that the Senate would confirm - that could keep "insurrectionists" from taking the WH and thereby giving them a leg to stand on to not certify a Trump win.

Play the game but play the long game.
This is it, the long game. We are NOT in an end game scenario, THEY ARE. We have to accept that we f'd things up bad enough that there is no short easy road back.
I read Chip’s post. First focus: border.

Note that he doesn’t mention abortion. (May have missed it)

Go win seats, win presidency and then move to sensible policies.
MTG doing the work of the people instead of the donors. Doing the work most here have been screaming for. Yet here we are….allowing the media to win the narrative and twist some of us into pretzels. The psyop via the media is good at what they do.

No compromise!!!

If we lose 2 Repub votes we will most likely give back the speakership and majority in the House to the Demoncrats. If you don't see this as a serious setback right before the election then you are a total idiot.
If we lose 2 Repub votes we will most likely give back the speakership and majority in the House to the Demoncrats. If you don't see this as a serious setback right before the election then you are a total idiot.
He’s a total idiot whether he gets something or not.
Her actions are fine, the timing is terrible.

If they oust the speaker we'll end up with more RINO's stepping down and Jeffries as the speaker. Dems would have a majority in all 3 branches.

He could pass a bill - that the Senate would confirm - that could keep "insurrectionists" from taking the WH and thereby giving them a leg to stand on to not certify a Trump win.

Play the game but play the long game.

And here is the thing…Dems have already said they won’t help to oust him, AND…they have gotten everything they wanted with him as speaker. Ask yourself why? In fact, they want speaker Johnson. Again, why?

I wouldn’t count on pubs to help with fighting legislation that dems love. “insurrectionists” and fully expect them to side with dems anyway. Why? Because that is how they have legislated.

IMO the long game narrative comes from the same politicians that want to keep power. It’s time to rip the bandaid off.
Her actions are fine, the timing is terrible.

If they oust the speaker we'll end up with more RINO's stepping down and Jeffries as the speaker. Dems would have a majority in all 3 branches.

He could pass a bill - that the Senate would confirm - that could keep "insurrectionists" from taking the WH and thereby giving them a leg to stand on to not certify a Trump win.

Play the game but play the long game.
It would be stupid beyond all measures to blow up the majority right now. THE END
If we lose 2 Repub votes we will most likely give back the speakership and majority in the House to the Demoncrats. If you don't see this as a serious setback right before the election then you are a total idiot.

Lol. Good lawd.

Glad you think there are two parties, and one working to serve your interests. Kudos.
It’s all relative, and I have no reason to think Biden is an awful person. With Trump it’s banging you in the face obvious.
He is terrible. I dont think Trump is a great guy either. Neither one is someone I want my children to look up to. It comes down to who will stop the traffic over the border, who will stop the wars and who supports traditional people in the culture war. Easy choice. My house doesnt look to politicians as the moral standard
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He is terrible. I dont think Trump is a great guy either. Neither one is someone I want my children to look up to. It comes down to who will stop the traffic over the border, who will stop the wars and who supports traditional people in the culture war. Easy choice. My house doesnt look to politicians as the moral standard

Not in the same universe. You guys are being conned by one of the great con artists of our time.
Her actions are fine, the timing is terrible.

If they oust the speaker we'll end up with more RINO's stepping down and Jeffries as the speaker. Dems would have a majority in all 3 branches.

He could pass a bill - that the Senate would confirm - that could keep "insurrectionists" from taking the WH and thereby giving them a leg to stand on to not certify a Trump win.

Play the game but play the long game.
It's stunningly stupid! Biden should get crushed in the election but my side keeps shooting itself in the foot.
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Simply dont care what he did with the porn star.
It's just like they don't care when Biden effs up. He's their guy and they're going to vote for him.

Many on my side truly don't care what Trump did, does or says.....they're going to vote for him.
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MTG doing the work of the people instead of the donors. Doing the work most here have been screaming for. Yet here we are….allowing the media to win the narrative and twist some of us into pretzels. The psyop via the media is good at what they do.

No compromise!!!

Loudmouth back bencher and Trump is reportedly furious with her.
RC (Russian Commie?) is stirring up a load of 💩.
I can see it from my porch.
And here is the thing…Dems have already said they won’t help to oust him, AND…they have gotten everything they wanted with him as speaker. Ask yourself why? In fact, they want speaker Johnson. Again, why?

I wouldn’t count on pubs to help with fighting legislation that dems love. “insurrectionists” and fully expect them to side with dems anyway. Why? Because that is how they have legislated.

IMO the long game narrative comes from the same politicians that want to keep power. It’s time to rip the bandaid off.
Johnson is much less likely to try the insurrectionist trick than Jeffries.

I know he’s basically in lockstep with the Left, but I think that would be a bridge too far for him. He's been very Pro-Trump (to save his own ass) recently, and there's a reason Trump keeps supporting him.

It's a few months - hold the line, win the WH and then go to town cleaning house.
Johnson is much less likely to try the insurrectionist trick than Jeffries.

I know he’s basically in lockstep with the Left, but I think that would be a bridge too far for him. He's been very Pro-Trump (to save his own ass) recently, and there's a reason Trump keeps supporting him.

It's a few months - hold the line, win the WH and then go to town cleaning house.

And here we are. She backed off because Johnson gave her some concessions. No clue what they are, but her political move obviously worked in her favor.

I will say this…Joe and the left love them some Mike Johnson. He is an abject failure.

Catturd said it best. And there are those on this board that need to hear this loud and clear (you aren’t one of them)

And here we are. She backed off because Johnson gave her some concessions. No clue what they are, but her political move obviously worked in her favor.

I will say this…Joe and the left love them some Mike Johnson. He is an abject failure.

Catturd said it best. And there are those on this board that need to hear this loud and clear (you aren’t one of them)

I love Catturd2 and I agree with you a majority of the time. And I wager her favor is pretty Trumpian, whatever that means.

But surely this is a win and she’s using leverage. If she is, any who spoke ill will need to repent, myself included.
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