Cheatle resigns

Another DEI failure.
Putting wokeness over accomplishments was the perfect recipe for this monumental failure. Same EXACT situation with the current VP and dimwit nominee. She has ZERO accomplishments, and ZERO votes to be in her current position. But being black, and female does it for lefties. They are so dangerous to America.
Putting wokeness over accomplishments was the perfect recipe for this monumental failure. Same EXACT situation with the current VP and dimwit nominee. She has ZERO accomplishments, and ZERO votes to be in her current position. But being black, and female does it for lefties. They are so dangerous to America.
Had some0ne askme yesterday if I was upset that a black woman was going to be the nominee- I responded she is 50/50/100

50% black from Jamaica and 50% Indian from India and 100% ID 10 T. they had no ideal her Father was Jamaican and her Mother was Indian and further more had no idea what an ID 10 T was- I laughed as I walked away and said Google it
Had some0ne askme yesterday if I was upset that a black woman was going to be the nominee- I responded she is 50/50/100

50% black from Jamaica and 50% Indian from India and 100% ID 10 T. they had no ideal her Father was Jamaican and her Mother was Indian and further more had no idea what an ID 10 T was- I laughed as I walked away and said Google it

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Still has not fired anyone in his administration
And morons continue to support this inept incompetent administration from wrecking the economy to getting our service members killed in botched Afghan withdrawal to screwing up the Secret Service with Jill Biden friends and a boob like Mayorkas supposedly running it
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Had some0ne askme yesterday if I was upset that a black woman was going to be the nominee- I responded she is 50/50/100

50% black from Jamaica and 50% Indian from India and 100% ID 10 T. they had no ideal her Father was Jamaican and her Mother was Indian and further more had no idea what an ID 10 T was- I laughed as I walked away and said Google it
Beware, this moron might cackle her way into the White House. Please do not take her lightly. The Dims hate Trump that much.
Let me explain to our resident snowflakes WHY DEI hires(like Cumala) NEVER work. We saw last Saturday a 20yr old little POS punk defeat the Secret Servive, wounding the former/next POTUS, killing a fireman and wounding 2 others. Now lets think of what COULD have happened, ESPECIALLY with the FJB administration opening our borders to our worst enemies

IMAGINE if 10-15 TRAINED terrorists decided to attack that place that same day...before the little POS did what he did. What would have been that outcome? How many people would have been killed? Take your DEI BS and stick it where the sun never shines...and Whormala IS 100% a DEI hire. PROVE ME WRONG...lets hear her accomplishments??
Let me explain to our resident snowflakes WHY DEI hires(like Cumala) NEVER work. We saw last Saturday a 20yr old little POS punk defeat the Secret Servive, wounding the former/next POTUS, killing a fireman and wounding 2 others. Now lets think of what COULD have happened, ESPECIALLY with the FJB administration opening our borders to our worst enemies

IMAGINE if 10-15 TRAINED terrorists decided to attack that place that same day...before the little POS did what he did. What would have been that outcome? How many people would have been killed? Take your DEI BS and stick it where the sun never shines...and Whormala IS 100% a DEI hire. PROVE ME WRONG...lets hear her accomplishments??
A 20 year old absolutely came within MM of killing the President. It's candidly a shock/miracle, that Iran (or similar) has not done anything similar....
A 20 year old absolutely came within MM of killing the President. It's candidly a shock/miracle, that Iran (or similar) has not done anything similar....
As I stated right after this happened....just like what happened after the Afghanistan failure....our enemies DID see this. Russia invaded Ukraine, and China is licking their chops. Do not be surprised if 10-15 trained terrorists attack one of these rallies. Regardless of the lies the MSM try to push...our enemies want ANYONE other than Trump. The do not run over Trump. Trump does not believe in appeasement. Ask Soleimani....and Baghdadi

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