CEO creates "Snowflake" test for job applicants

You da man MD!
Thank you for sharing this.
Absolutely love it when someone thinks "Outside the Box"

Much of my adult life was spent as an electrical "Trouble-shooter". I am the best I ever knew because of my ability to "Think outside the box".

Anyone who has gone through training can read schematic diagrams and wiring diagrams.

But when you are in someone's home and have a circuit with a dropped neutral or have a house where none of the 240V appliances work but everything else does or the dryer vent keeps melting and if you touch the basement water pipes, they'll shock you, that separates the Me from the boys.

I know how to find where that neutral is dropped by using a ground wire to tell me.

The 2nd problem is a dead phase but because the A/C or dryer or stove has been turned on, the appliance is actually back feeding the electrical panel with the single 120v phase and thus all the lights and electrical outlets function normally.

Last one is tricky. It only exists where SER ( service entrance cable ) was used to bring the electricity from the drip loop to the meter. The two"Hot" wires wrapped with the bare neutral and covered in a fiber cloth and later, plastic.

The sun with cause the outer cover to break down and that bare wire will work itself into one of the "Hot" wires. Instead of blowing up like one would think, it just makes everything grounded "Hot"

Folks have looked at me real strange when I tried to explain that they were gonna have to shell out about $750.00 to fix that problem. Or keep on risking getting shocked everytime they touched a pipe or did the laundry.
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Much of my adult life was spent as an electrical "Trouble-shooter". I am the best I ever knew because of my ability to "Think outside the box".

Anyone who has gone through training can read schematic diagrams and wiring diagrams.

But when you are in someone's home and have a circuit with a dropped neutral or have a house where none of the 240V appliances work but everything else does or the dryer vent keeps melting and if you touch the basement water pipes, they'll shock you, that separates the Me from the boys.

I know how to find where that neutral is dropped by using a ground wire to tell me.

The 2nd problem is a dead phase but because the A/C or dryer or stove has been turned on, the appliance is actually back feeding the electrical panel with the single 120v phase and thus all the lights and electrical outlets function normally.

Last one is tricky. It only exists where SER ( service entrance cable ) was used to bring the electricity from the drip loop to the meter. The two"Hot" wires wrapped with the bare neutral and covered in a fiber cloth and later, plastic.

The sun with cause the outer cover to break down and that bare wire will work itself into one of the "Hot" wires. Instead of blowing up like one would think, it just makes everything grounded "Hot"

Folks have looked at me real strange when I tried to explain that they were gonna have to shell out about $750.00 to fix that problem. Or keep on risking getting shocked everytime they touched a pipe or did the laundry.
Bubba, you need to move back here to Mayberry.
You would be a "RockStar"!
Could you even begin to imagine that? Lol
Just for you, i am going to dedicate this next song to MD
One last thing, some folks might think your're "Cocky" but,
when you can back it up then you're not cocky!!!!!!!!
Give me a fist bump brother! Lol

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Yep! Us East Tennessee boyz are hard to figure out.
Ain't it great that everyone thinks that we're eat up with
the "Dumb Ass""
love that song...When dad worked in Crossville in middle management/engineering some corporate guys came down from up north with a chip on their shoulders even though they came needing answers to a problem...he played the gomer pyle routine complete with over done accent and then boom he lowered the hammer on them...he never liked people treating him like he was dumb just because of where he was from...he spent his first 4 years in at best a 400 sq ft house in grimsley with an outhouse and a hand pump inside the house living with his parents and grandparents...his youngest uncle was 9 when he was born. Dad speaks without much of an accent and retired as head of a department in 2004 after 33 or more years in industry working 12 hr days. That uncle is worth 30 million or more and started his business in his garage...not bad for a bunch of hillbillies et up wit tha dumb arse
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