CDC says schools must reopen to protect children

sadgator agrees schools should reopen...but it’s just not as easy as simply doing it...

honestly...and this is not at all intended to be a political swipe...

it wasn’t clear on how/when we should have shut down (and for how long) and it isn’t clear now how/when we should reopen...

unfortunately the infection rates are skyrocking to the point where it just feels like whatever we do will be one big gigantic hot mess...

but without going into great detail, sadgator does favor sending the kids back...
sadgator agrees schools should reopen...but it’s just not as easy as simply doing it...

honestly...and this is not at all intended to be a political swipe...

it wasn’t clear on how/when we should have shut down (and for how long) and it isn’t clear now how/when we should reopen...

unfortunately the infection rates are skyrocking to the point where it just feels like whatever we do will be one big gigantic hot mess...

but without going into great detail, sadgator does favor sending the kids back...

Ok let's look at this logically and objectively.

When testing first started, who was being tested? More severe cases, because fewer tests were available. Basically people who were getting sick, then as a result, were tested.

Fewer tests and fewer cases. But....higher death rate because the cases, on average, were more severe.

So just for the sake of argument, let's say the severity scale of cases was 1-10. With 1 being "Wow I've got covid? I had no idea, I feel fine!" to 10, about to die.

Let's say the average score of the first group that were tested was 7. These are people who are obviously sick, and need medical attention ASAP.

Also keep in mind, early on we had no treatment history with covid, so the treatment we gave patients was much less effective.

Fast forward to now: Testing has been greatly expanded and includes many people who feel fine, but want to verify that they are fine.

Let's say the current average on the severity scale is 3. People that either feel ok or maybe off a little and decided to get tested. But due to their catching the virus much sooner, and that treatments are now more effective, the death rate is falling off a cliff.

This is why the 'OMG cases are exploding!' talking point is waaaaaaaay overblown. If you had a case in March and your severity is 7, that's not good. But if you have a case in July and your severity is 3, that's not a big deal.

A lot more cases now, but the overall severity of the cases is far less. That's why it's not the huge deal that it's being made out to be.
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